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Monday, June 4, 2007

Sour Chicken Prawn [of] Beloved.


1 chicken chest, attenuating.

150 prawn gram, attenuating.

50 sago flour gram.

1 egg item.

1 salt sdt and 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.

2 flavour sdt of penyedap all purppose feel chicken.

3 garlic fang, chop up refinement, tumis.

1 pineapple, crosscut according to appetite

100 gram of kapri.

Cooking oil sufficiently


250 sweet orange gist;sari ml.

3 tomato saus sdm.

3 ginger cm, contusing.

1 sand sugar sdm.

1 vinegar sdm

1 flour sdm of maizena, dissolving meagrely irrigate.


1. Chicken prawn ball: mix [of] prawn and chicken, swirl to flatten. Enhancing with sago flour, egg, salt, merica, and flavour of penyedap all purppose feel chicken, swirl to flatten. Enhancing garlic tumisan, swirl to flatten.

2. Heating oil, take dough of sesendok-sendok, ball form and fry till golden cacao, lift, casting aside.

3. Saus: mix [of] orange gist;sari with tomato saus, ginger, sugar, and ripe vinegar, didihkan. After boiling, coagulating with condensation of maizena, ripe till jell, enhancing pineapple, carrot, and pea, ripe just, lift.

4. Prepare dish, put prawn chicken ball, pouring saus and [his/its] stuffing. Present warmness.

To: 6 people.

Chicken Grill Hotly.

Materials :

1 chicken tail, crosscut become 16 shares.

2 orangeade sdm of nipis and 1 salt sdt.

3 bar of serai, contusing.

3 orange leaf sheet.

2 ginger cm, contusing.

2 screw pine leaf sheet.

10 sweet ketchup sdm.

5 cooking oil sdm.

Box harshly :

350 big green chilli gram.

15 green cayenne.

10 shallot item.

5 garlic fang.

2 salt sdt and 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.

1 flavour sdt of penyedap all purppose feel chicken.

2 lemon orangeade sdt.

Way of making ;

1. Clean chicken till cleanness, smear with orangeade of nipis salt and, hushed [by] during 10 minute wash out again, leak.

2. Grill chicken above ember, after maturing, contusing, casting aside.

3. Heating oil, flavour tumis box with serai, orange leaf, screw pine leaf and ginger till make fragrance. Including ketchup feel beloved, swirl to flatten. Cook till flavour diffuse.

4. After maturing, including lemon orangeade, swirl to flatten, lift.

5. Present warmness with white rice.

To : 6 people.

Acids of Pepes Chicken.


1/2 chicken tail, crosscut 10 shares, fry.

3 cooking oil sdm.

5 big red chilli, iris.

3 big green chilli, iris.

8 shallot item, iris.

5 garlic fang, iris.

8 of belimbing vegetable.

1 tomato, iris.

5 greeting leaf sheet, iris.

6 orange leaf sheet, iris.

200 coconut mink ml from 1 coconut item

2 butirtelur, shake to release.

1 salt sdt and 1 / 2 powder merica.

3 sweet ketchup sdm.

16 red cayenne.

pelangkap : banana leaf and rib of penyemat.

Way of making :

1. Heating oil, red chilli tumis, green chilli, shallot, and garlic make fragrance. Chicken input fry, swirl to flatten, cook just, lift.

2. Including slice of belimbing vegetable, tomato, greeting leaf, orange leaf, salt, merica, and sweet ketchup, swirl to flatten.

3. Take leaf selemba, fill by 2 cutting other flavour and chicken. Enhancing 2 red cayenne, bale form tum, mate with rib.

4. Steam during 20 minute, lift.

To : 8 bale.

Chicken Wrap Saus Ketchup.


2 boneless chicken chest.

100 chicken flesh gr, attenuating.

100 prawn gr chop up.

1 garlic fang, chop up, tumis.

1 egg yolk.

2 sago flour sdm.

1/2 salt sdt, 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.

1 sand sugar sdt.

1 protein.

100 bread flour gr.


1 margarine sdm.

2 garlic fang, contusing.

4 sweet ketchup sdm.

1 flavour sdm of pelezat multipurpose liquid

1 sdt taste inggris.

1/2 salt sdt and 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.

50 water ml.

3 pea sdm.


1. Cut chicken chest become two part of which [is] pipih.

2. Mingle chicken chop up and prawn, swirl to flatten. Enhancing garlic tumisan, egg yolk, sago flour, salt, merica, and sand sugar, swirl to flatten. To dough become two shares.

3. Take one cutting chicken chest, olesi with one part of fish dough. Plunging into last protein smear with bread flour, casting aside.

4. Heating oil, fry chicken until cacao, lift.

5. Saus: heating 1 oil sdm of[is rest of frying, enhancing margarine, garlic tumis make fragrance. Including sweet ketchup, flavour of pelezat multipurpose melt, ketchup of inggris, salt, powder merica, and water, last [of] didihkan.

6. Including pea, ripe just, lift.

7. Pouring saus above chicken fry, present warmness with white rice.

To: 4 people.

Chicken Fry Crispyly.


1 chicken tail, crosscut become 20 shares.

1 orangeade sdm of nipis and 1 salt sdt.

2 ginger cm, contusing.

2 greeting leaf sheet.

1 water litre.


10 garlic fang.

8 walnut item, sangrai.

2 coriander sdm, sangrai.

1 salt sdm.

Crispy flavour:

20 sago flour gr.

1 powder baking sdt.

Cooking oil sufficiently


vegetable fresh vegetable and of sambal plough: 3 big red chilli, 8 red cayenne, and 1 tomato, fry till semi forceps, lift, attenuating. Enhancing 1 matured terasi sdt and 1 / 4 salt sdt, swirl to flatten.


1.Cuci chicken cleanness, smear with orangeade of nipis and 1 salt sdt, hushed [by] 15 minute, wash out again, leak. Braise chicken with ginger, greeting leaf, and smooth flavour. Cook chicken soften, use fire [is], lifting. its Chicken leak, casting aside its gravy.

2. Crispy flavour: take chicken gravy counted 500 ml, mixe with sago flour, ripe till jell, lift, to be made cool. After chilled, enhancing with powder baking, swirl to flatten, casting aside.

3. Heating oil, fry chicken till golden cacao, lift. Pouring crispy flavour above chicken of sesendok-sendok, fry till turn yellow and have a nest, lift.

4. Present warmness with vegetable fresh vegetable and of sambal plough.

Chicken Burn Ketchup.

Materials :

1 chicken tail, crosscut 8 shares.

2 orangeade sdm of nipis and 2 salt sdt.

2 alpine galanga cm, contusing.

2 bar of serai, contusing.

2 orange leaf sheet.

2 ginger cm.

2 sweet ketchup sdm.

2 cooking oil sdm.


3 big red chilli.

6 red cayenne.

8 shallot item.

5 garlic fang.

5 walnut item, sangrai.

3 turmeric cm.

1 salt sdt.


2 margarine sdm, lumerkan.

7 sweet ketchup sdm.

Way of making :

1. Wash out chicken, smear orangeade of nipis salt and, hushed just. Wash out again, leak.

2. Smear chicken with smooth flavour, enhancing 2 cooking oil sdm. Hush during 30 minute.

3. Cook chicken with its immersion, enhancing alpine galanga, serai, orange leaf, and ginger, ripe till soft chicken, lift.

4. Prepare ember, grill chicken. During grilling olesi with margarine mixture and sweet ketchup. Grill till chromatic rather dark, lift. Present warmness.

To: 4 people.

Chicken Grill Crispy Flavour.

Materials :

1 chicken tail, crosscut 24 shares.

8 sdm taste immersion saus of teriyaki, ready to buy.

1 salt sdt, 1 powder merica sdt.

500 small potato gram, steam, pare.

2 carrot bar, pare, cut according to appetite

150 clasp mushroom gram cut in two

100 pea gram.

1/2 of nenas crosscut [of] fan form.

3 olive sdm.

1 leek, iris.

250 cream ml jell.

150 cheese gram of cheddar, scar.

5 egg item, shake to release.

Taburan : celery or peterseli chop up.

Way of making :

1. Prepare the place of or double-duty heatresistant dish as place of roaster and place of saji.

2. Chicken after washed out, leak smear with immersion saus of teriyaki, salt, and powder merica, swirl to flatten and hushed [by] during 15 minute.

3. Heating olive, leek tumis, including chicken, ripe till chicken turn colour , enhancing cream jell, swirl to flatten.

4. Pouring tumisan into place of or dish, including potato, carrot, pea and mushroom pour egg of and him of taburi cheese of cheddar.

5. Grill in oven during 30 minute.

6. Present warmness.

To : 8 people.

Chicken of Suwir Hot.

Materials :

2 chicken chest, braise to mature, harsh suwir.

350 coconut mink ml jell from 1 coconut item

5 orange leaf sheet.

2 bar of serai contuse.

1 alpine galanga cm contuse.

2 greeting leaf sheet.

1 sdm irrigate jawa asem

1 salt sdt and 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.

4 cooking oil sdm.

Attenuating :

10 red chilli.

10 shallot fang.

5 garlic fang.

1 sugar sdm of jwa, comb.

2 koempheria galanga cm.

1 matured terasi sdt.

Way of making :

1. Chicken after braised, suwir-suwir and cast aside.

2. Heating cooking oil, attenuated flavour tumis till make fragrance to [enter/include] coconut mink, chicken of suwir, orange leaf, serai, alpine galanga, greeting, sour water, and salt of merica. Ripe till dry flavour, lift.

3. Present as complement of bale rice.

To : 8 people.

Chicken Fry.

Materials :

1 crosscut kampong chicken tail 4 shares.

2 bar of serai contuse.

3 alpine galanga cm contuse.

3 greeting leaf sheet.

1 comb demerara sdm.

2 sdm irrigate jawa asem

1 nutmeg seed contuse.

1 powder broth sdt feel chicken.

250 coconut mink ml from 1 / 2 coconut item

Oil to frying [him/ it] it[him]

Attenuating :

8 shallot item.

5 garlic fang.

1 dill sdm of sangrai.

1 dill sdt of sangrai.

1 item merica sdt.

5 walnut item of sangrai.

5 turmeric cm of baker.

1 ginger cm.

Way of making :

1. Chicken after washed out, leak.

2. Prepare frying pan, put chicken smear with smooth flavour [enter/include] serai, alpine galanga, greeting leaf, demerara, irrigate asem, nutmeg, powder broth and coconut mink.

3. Cook with fire [is] till soft chicken, lift.

4. Present with rice of uduk.

To : 4 people.

Note : rest of flavour of ungkep can be utilized for mengungkep know and tempe, for the ati of ampla, ox intestine, chicken intestine, and empal of paru, braise first till soften, later;then give flavour [is] equal to chicken, hushed [by] during 30 minute and fry till mature, flavour prawn sate [is] equal to direct chicken fry.

Chicken of Ingkung Hot Flavour.


1 intact chicken tail.

2 orangeade sdm of nipis and 1 salt sdt.

2 onion leaf bar and 2 celery bar.

3 orange leaf sheet.

2 greeting leaf sheet.

2 bar of serai, contusing.

2 ginger cm, contusing.

50 demerara gram, comb.

2 sdm irrigate tamarind

750 coconut mink ml from 2 coconut item

2 cooking oil sdm.

Attenuating :

15 big red chilli.

10 shallot item.

5 garlic fang.

5 walnut item of sangrai.

5 turmeric cm, grill.


1. Chicken wash out, smear with orangeade of nipis salt and, hushed just, wash out again and leak.

2. Onion leaf and celery, cut to pieces and [enter/include] into chicken cavity.

3. Heating oil, smooth flavour tumis with orange leaf, greeting, ginger and serai, till make fragrance, including chicken, coconut mink, tamarind water and demerara, ripe till soft chicken, lift.

4. Put chicken in heatresistant dish and grill till run dry, lift.

5. Arrange chicken as complement of tumpeng.

To : 6 people.

Ripe Chicken [of] Flavour Onion.


1 crosscut chicken tail 8 shares.

500 liquid milk ml.

5 cinnamon cm.

2 greeting leaf sheet.

Saus :

2 margarine sdm.

1 leek, cut to pieces.

Immersion :

8 shallot item attenuate.

3 garlic fang attenuate.

1 salt sdt, 1 powder merica sdt.

1 sand sugar sdt.

2 briny ketchup sdm [of] beraroma

Taburan : peterseli chop up.

Complement : small potato setup, and carrot of kapri.


1. Immersion: mix [of] shallot, garlic, salt, merica, sand sugar and briny ketchup [of] beraroma, swirl to flatten.

2. Chicken wash out, leak, smear with immersion flavour and hushed [by] during 15 minute, later;then grill till chocolate, lift.

3. Heating margarine, leek tumis, including whole-wheat and chicken, swirl to flatten, enhancing cinnamon, leaf greet and milk swirl to flatten.

4. Cook till soft chicken, lift.

5. Present warmness of taburi with peterseli chop up and provide with vegetable setup.

To : 4 people.

Chicken Braise Mushroom.


1 crosscut chicken tail 16 shares.

2 cooking oil sdm.

1 sesame oil sdm.

5 ginger cm contuse.

5 garlic fang contuse.

10 mushroom of shitake fresh.

2 onion leaf bar.

1 water litre.

2 salt sdt and 1 powder merica sdt.

Taburan : coriander leaf.


1. Prepare pan depress, heating cooking oil with sesame oil, garlic tumis and ginger till make fragrance, including onion leaf chicken, water, and salt of merica.

2. Cook with big fire during 7 minute, kill its fire and hushed [by] janga opened [by] during 20 minute.

3. Present warmness of taburi with coriander leaf.

To : 4 people.

Chicken of Itam.


1 crosscut spring chicken tail 16 shares.

100 iris chickpea gram.

2 greeting leaf sheet.

2 bar of serai contuse.

2 orange leaf sheet.

2 ginger cm contuse.

500 ml.

1 salt sdt and 1 powder merica sdt.

1 sand sugar sdt.

1 sdm irrigate tamarind

1 iris onion leaf bar.

2 iris celery bar.

3 cooking oil sdm.

Attenuating :

10 shallot item.

8 walnut item of sangrai.

5 turmeric cm burn.

15 seed of kluwak.

Taburan : onion leaf slice and celery.


1. Kluwak select;choose which is not bitter and soak in hot water during 15 minute.

2. Heating cooking oil, attenuated flavour tumis till make fragrance, including greeting, serai, orange leaf, chicken and ginger, ripe till chicken turn colour.

3. Including water, salt, merica, tamarind water and sugar, ripe till dry gravy and soft chicken, enhancing onion leaf and ripe celery just, swirl to flatten, lift.

4. Present warmness of taburi with onion fry.

Chicken Furl Multifarious Feel

Materials :

1 Singk of Chicken Feet, Boneless.

200 Prawn gr.

10 Garlic gr.

100 Kemangi Fresh gr.

100 Carrot julliene gr.

50 Chilli Julliene gr.

Oil For Frying.

15 Lumpia Skin lb.

10 Salt gr & pepper.

Fruit Salad.

500 sweet Manggo arum gr.

500 dew honey gr.

200 Red Guava gr.

Sauses Dressing.

Sause Kemangi.


Egg Noodle.

Methode :

1. The Chicken Feet Boneless Clean & prawn of choped with mixed choped. The meat chicken add garlic of choped Sauce & Carrot of jullienne add prawn & salt with seasoning chelli red, pepper, last the at kemangi fresh of slice add just and cooked to up sauce trough. With skin lumpia Roll & fryer fat deep the in fry.

2. The mango Pelled & it clean and dew honey. In parisian or dice to Cut. With Sauce kemangi Mixed.

3. Egg basket for ring the into noodle Fried. The basket the in salads fruit Put & sauce kemangi with lumpia fried the served.

Chicken Endue Bean of Nyiur Wave.

Inggredients :

1 singk of Chicken boneless feet.

200 Mushroom slice gr.

50 coconut young grated gr.

20 Hot chili gr.

20 julliene chilli red gr.

200 julienne tomato red gr.

100 leaves kemangi gr.

pepes of sauce.

10 salt gr & pepper.

Eunuch of Dish :

400 clean bean red gr & cooked.

100 Sweet corn gr.

200 coconut young grated gr.

50 chili hot gr.

100 chopped gallingale gr.

50 Lemon gr of grass crush.

20 Garlic gr, chopped.

50 chopped shallot gr.

3 beaten egg pcs.

10 salt gr & pepper.


200 Spinach blanch gr.

150 blanch beansprout gr.

200 blanch julliene carrot gr.

500 blanch julliene chilli red gr.

200 fresh kenikir gr.


Tomato sauce Red.

Milk sauce Coconut.

Pesto Kemangi.

Sauce Pecel.

Methode :

1. The Chicken mushroom of dice add choped finally boneless and feet Clean, chilli hot, red chilli, tomato red & Kemangi of fresh. Mixed Well with pepes of sauce. With salt Seasoning & pepper & for steam 20 minutes.

2. Well bean red of cooked ingredient all Mixed, corn sweet, coconut young of grated, chilli hot, gallinggale chopped, garlic, shallot, lemon, grass & beaten egg, salt with seasoning & pepper. In for steam and ring the Lay 20 minutes.

3. All with mixed and vegetables the of Blanch pecel of sauce.

4. In ring the Lay, pepes of feet chicken the of , bean red & vegeteables ( pecel) On Served with : sauce tomato, Milk sauce Coconut & pesto kemangi

Ripe Chicken [of] Mushroom.

Materials :

2 cooking oil sdm.

3 garlic fang contuse.

2 ginger cm contuse.

8 chicken thigh, boneless, cut dice.

2 smoked meat sheet, iris.

2 bar of serai, white participating [of] iris him manipulate.

5 sweet ketchup sdm.

2 oyster saus sdm.

150 water ml.

1 salt sdt and 1 powder merica sdt.

1 flour sdm of maizena / sago dissolve meagrely irrigate.

150 fresh clasp mushroom gram.

150 mushroom gram of shitake fresh.

2 carrot bar, crosscut according to appetite

2 onion leaf bar, cut to pieces.

2 big red chilli, iris manipulate.

Taburan : coriander leaf.


1. Heating cooking oil, garlic tumis and ginger till make fragrance, including chicken, and smoked meat, ripe till chicken turn colour, enhancing serai, sweet ketchup, oyster saus, water, and salt of merica powder swirl to flatten.

2. Including clasp mushroom, mushroom of shitake carrot and, ripe till matured carrot, coagulating with condensation of maizena, swirl to flatten to enhance onion leaf slice and red chilli, swirl to flatten, lift.

3. Present warmness, taburi with coriander leaf, lift.

To : 4 people.

Chicken Flavour Mace.


2 boneless chicken chest, cut two shares.

Mace flavour :

1/2 allspice sdt.

1 powder oregano sdt.

1 powder cinnamon sdt.

1 powder chilli sdt.

1 salt sdt and 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.

1 powder dill sdt.

50 tomato pasta gram.

5 tomato saus sdm.

100 water ml.

2 margarine sdm or butter

Complement : white rice, jagune braise, cress leaf and tomato


1. Mace flavour: mix [of] allspice with oregano, cinnamon, powder chilli, salt, tomato pasta dill and merica and of saus tomato, swirl to flatten, enhancing water, swirl to flatten.

2. Smear chicken with and flavour of daimkan during 15 minute. Heating margrine, fry chicken till mature, including mace flavour, ripe just, lift.

3. Prepare dish arrange rice, maize braise, tomato, cress leaf and chicken give [him/it] it[him] and peterseli taburi chop up.

To : 4 people.

Chicken Content Grill.


8 chicken thigh flesh, throw away husk and bone.

4 smoked meat sheet.

2 carrot bar.

8 chickpea bar.

1 red paprika.

2 butter sdm

3 garlic fang chop up.

1/2 salt sdt, 1 / 4 powder merica sdt.

25 cheese gram of cheddar, scar.

Saus :

2 butter sdm

1 leek.

50 cream ml jell.

100 liquid milk ml.

1/4 salt sdt and 1 / 4 powder merica sdt.

Complement : vegetable setup and potato fry.


1. Thigh chicken flesh, contusing wide till.

2. Carrot, crosscut paprika and chickpea according to flesh size measure if/when furled.

3. Mingle butter with garlic, salt, gratin and merica, swirl to flatten.

4. Take flesh sheet, unfolding to put smoked meat, olesi with butter, onion, arrange chickpea, paprika and carrot, furl and gum with rib in order not to release. Arrange [in] heatresistant dish and grill in hot oven till chocolate, lift, chicken flesh juice gravy, casting aside to [be] is additional [of] saus.

5. Saus : heating butter, leek tumis till make fragrance, including chicken flesh juice, cream jell, liquid milk, and salt of merica powder, didihkan, lift.

6. Prepare dish arrange chicken, vegetable setup and potato fry, pouring its[his] [him/ it]. Present warmness.

Chicken Flavour of Kemangi.

Materials :

1 chicken tail, crosscut 20 shares.

1 orangeade sdm of nipis and 1 salt sdt.

5 orange leaf sheet.

2 bar of serai contuse.

5 ginger cm slice and contuse.

3 screw pine leaf sheet, cut to pieces.

500 coconut mink ml jell from 1,5 coconut item

1 flavour sdt of pelezat multipurpose feel chicken.

3 cooking oil sdm.


6 big red chilli.

8 shallot item.

5 garlic fang.

3 walnut item.

5 turmeric cm.

1 salt sdt and 1 item merica sdt.

Taburan: 2 fastening kemangi and 12 red cayenne.


1. Chicken wash out, smear with orangeade of nipis salt and, hushed just, wash out again and leak.

2. Heating cooking oil, attenuated flavour tumis till make fragrance, including chicken, orange leaf, serai, screw pine leaf and ginger, ripe till chicken turn colour, enhancing coconut mink.

3. Cook till soft chicken, gravy dwindle and oily looked to be, enhancing, red cayenne and kemangi, cook just, lift.

To : 6 people.

Chicken of Cabe Bean of Mete.

Materials :

2 chicken chest flesh.

oil to fry sufficiently

3 garlic fang, contusing.

1 leek, iris.

2 ginger cm contuse.

1 oyster saus sdm.

5 sweet ketchup sdm.

1 salt sdt and 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.

100 water ml.

1 flour sdm of maizena dissolve meagrely irrigate.

1 crosscut carrot bar according to appetite

100 gram of kapri sweet.

6 dry chilli, cut to pieces.

1 onion leaf bar, cut to pieces.

50 bean gram of mete fry.

Way of Making :

1. Crosscut chicken [of] dice, wash out, leak and fry halfdone till.

2. Heating oil, garlic tumis, ginger and leek till make fragrance, including oyster saus, sweet ketchup, salt, powder merica and water, didihkan.

3. Coagulating with condensation of maizena, including carrot, kapri, dry chilli and onion leaf, ripe till matured vegetable, enhancing bean of mete, swirl to flatten, lift. Present warmness.

To : 4 people.

Chicken Burn Flavour of Minang And Vegetable of Tale Kapau.

Materials :

Chest chicken 120 gr.

Shallot 50 gr.

Garlic 30 gr.

Red pepper 50 gr.

Turmeric 30 gr.

Walnut 10 gr.

Coriander 7 gr.

Jinten 7 gr.

Clove 2 pc.

Nutmeg 1 pc.

Cinnamon 1 gr.

Orange leaf 2 lb.

Turmeric leaf 1 lb.

Ginger 10 gr.

Srei 2 bt.

Leaf greet 1 lb.

Coconut mink 5 ml.

Sand sugar 2 gr.

Salt 3 gr.

White Marica 2 gr.


1. All materials attenuated [by] except orange leaf, turmeric leaf.

2. Greeting, tumis go out liquid coconut mink input and aroma, and [enter/include] chicken expressed halfdone and burned. Salt love of marica and of taste likely.

Crispy Sweet Chicken.

Materials :

1 chicken tail, crosscut 20 shares.

1 orangeade sdm of nipis.

1 salt sdt.

oil to fry.

Tumisan :

1 leek.

3 oyster saus sdm.

6 sdm taste Bango.

1 tomato saus sdm.

50 water ml.

2 big red chilli, iris.

1 salt sdt.

1 powder merica sdt.

1 onion leaf bar, cut to pieces.

1 flour sdm of maizena, dissolving meagrely irrigate.

Taburan : coriander leaf.

Way of making :

1. Chicken wash out, smear with orangeade of nipis salt and, hushed just, wash out again and leak. Heating cooking oil, fry halfdone chicken until then lift.

2. Heating 2 oil sdm of[is rest of frying chicken, leek tumis till wilting, later;then [enter/include] chicken, oyster saus, sweet ketchup [of] Bango, tomato saus and last water cook till flavour flatten.

3. Including red chilli, clasp mushroom, salt, onion leaf and merica, swirl till flatten, later;then coagulate with condensation of maizena, ripe just then lift. Present and warmness of taburi with coriander leaf.

To : 6 people.

Chicken Snitzel.

Materials :

2 boneless chicken chest flesh.

1 bale ( 80 gram) multipurpose flavour flour feel hotly.

oil to fry, sufficiently

Vegetable Setup :

1 margarine sdm.

300 small potato gram ( rendang), steam to mature, pare.

2 carrot bar, crosscut according to appetite

200 chickpea gram, braise to mature.

1 sand sugar sdt.

1/4 salt sdt.

Complement : cress leaf, tomato, tomato saus, sambal saus or of mayonaise.

Way of making :

1. crosscut Chest chicken flesh two shares, contusing till pipih.

2. Dipping : 3 flavour flour sdm by 50 water ml, swirl to flatten. Plunging flesh into dough and smear with rest of flour, till closed entire/all flesh.

3. Vegetable Setup : heating margarine, including potato, chickpea and carrot, swirl to flatten, enhancing sand sugar and salt, swirl to flatten, cook just, lift.

4. Heating cooking oil, fry flesh till mature chocolate, lift.

5. Present decorative warmness with cress leaf, tomato, provide with tomato saus, sambal saus and of mayonaise.

To : 4 people.

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