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Monday, June 4, 2007


MATERIALS : Broth Fish.

250 fish gram of kakap.

1 leek cut to pieces.

1 iris onion leaf bar.

1 iris celery bar.

5 seed of merica item.

1 water litre.

Content :

12 medium size prawn.

2 cooking oil sdm.

2 garlic fang contuse.

5 ginger cm contuse.

125 gram of pasta/angel hair, braise to mature.

150 gram of kapri.

2 salt sdt.

1/2 powder merica sdt.

2 fish saus sdm / fish ketchup.

2 orangeade sdm of nipis.

Taburan : onion leaf slice and coriander leaf.


1. Fish broth : ripe [of] fish with leek, onion leaf, celery, item merica and water, after boiling and matured fish lift and filter.

2. Heating oil, garlic tumis and ginger till make fragrance, including into and broth of didihkan return.

3. Including prawn, kapri, ripe till matured prawn, enhancing and salt of merica powder, swirl to flatten, including fish saus and orangeade of nipis lift.

4. Prepare bowl fill with fish cutting pasta and pour gravy with its stuffing, onion leaf taburi and coriander leaf.

To : 6 people.

Soup of Rame-Rame.


Saus :

250 water ml.

6 sand sugar sdm.

150 briny ketchup ml [of] japan.

50 sweet ketchup ml.

10 garlic fang chop up refinement.

Content :

3 vegetable oil sdm.

1,5 ox broth litre.

750 beef gram of haas external which sliced or flesh of sukiyaki 1 leek, iris.

3 crosscut onion leaf bar.

3 carrot bar cut to pieces.

5 white mustard sheet cut to pieces.

6 mushroom of shiitake, iris.

300 gram know silk, cut to pieces.

50 gram of soun, soak warm water till soften, leak.

6 egg item.


1. Saus : didihkan irrigate with sand sugar, lift and made cool. Enhancing briny ketchup [of] japan, sweet ketchup and garlic, swirl to flatten.

2. Heating vegetable oil, including broth, didihkan. Including beef, ripe till turn colour.

3. Including leek, onion leaf, carrot, mushroom and mustard of shiitake. Ripe till halfdone vegetable later;then [enter/include] silk soybean cake and of soun. Ripe just then enhance egg. Frying pan closed [is] at the same time cooked just later;then lift.

To : 6 people.

Dish of Ramadhan-Sup Hot Fish.


1 fish tail of kakap red [of] weight 600 gram mow to cut 3 shares 2 orangeade sdm of nipis.

1 salt sdt.

2 cooking oil sdm.

3 garlic fang contuse.

1 water litre.

2 salt sdt.

1/2 powder merica sdt.

2 powder chilli sdm.

1 all purppose penyedap sdm ( feel acid)

3 sdm taste fish.

2 crosscut onion leaf bar 2 cm.

100 slice radish gram form match.

2 crosscut carrot bar [of] match form.

3 white mustard sheet [of] iris 3 cm.

25 gram of soun soak cool water till soften leak.

1 know silk cut to pieces.


1. fish of Kakap mowed, wash out, smear with orangeade of nipis salt and. Hush during 15 minute later;then wash out again and leak.

2. Heating draught oil of tumis garlic till make fragrance. Water Didihkan, including garlic tumisan, salt, powder chilli and merica. After boiling again [enter/include] all purppose penyedap ( feel acid) and fish ketchup.

3. Including fish of kakap, ripe till soften. Enhancing onion leaf, radish, carrot, and mustard of soun. Ripe till matured vegetable then lift. Present warmness.

To : 4 people.

Soup Fish Mushroom Ear.


Fish ball :

250 fish gram of tenggiri.

2 shallot fang attenuate.

50 sago flour gram.

1 protein.

1 salt sdt.

1/2 powder merica sdt.

2 sand sugar sdt.

Gravy :

1,5 water litre.

50 sweet ketchup ml.

1 cooking oil sdm.

100 prawn gram chop up harshly.

2 garlic fang attenuated with 1 item merica sdt and 1 salt sdt 2 ginger cm contuse.

50 gram of soun soaked with warm water till soften then leak 50 ear mushroom gram soaked [by] water till flower and soften then leak 2 carrot bar, crosscut according to appetite

50 delicate gram [of] night.

12 quill egg item braised mature then fry.

Taburan : onion fry, celery leaf slice and onion leaf slice of Sambal ketchup : fry, attenuating and enhancing 50 sweet ketchup ml [is] WAY OF MAKING :

1. Fish ball : attenuating fish of tenggiri, mixe with shallot, sago flour, protein, salt, powder merica and sand sugar. Ripe [of] water and braise dough which have been formed [by] balls float then lift.

2. Heating oil, smooth garlic tumis and prawn till make fragrance. Including water and enhance ginger. After boiling to [enter/include] sweet ketchup, carrot, mushroom, delicate [of] fish ball and night. Ripe just, lift.

3. Prepare bowl later;then fill with soun, quill egg and gravy with its stuffing. Onion Taburi fry, celery slice and onion leaf. Present warmness with ketchup sambal.

To : 6 people.



300 prawn gram, attenuating.

1/2 middle aged coconut item, scar.

1 flour sdm of maizena / sago.

3 orange leaf sheet.

1 greeting leaf sheet.

1 bar of serai contuse.

750 water ml.

5 sdm irrigate tamarind

1 powder broth sdt.

10 red cayenne.

1 iris tomato.

2 cooking oil sdm.

Attenuating :

6 shallot item.

3 garlic fang.

1 turmeric cm burn.

3 walnut item of sangrai.

1 salt sdt and 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.

Taburan : celery slice.


1. Prawn attenuate, mixe with coconut grat and maizena, swirl to flatten or earn also use processor food, swirl all materials become one.

2. Heating cooking oil, attenuated [by] flavour tumis [is] odorous hingg, including into broth, enhancing orange leaf, greeting, tamarind water and serai of didihkan.

3. After boiling, use spoon form balls prawn dough and [enter/include] into gravy, ripe till float tambahka irrigate tamarind, powder broth, tomato and cayenne, ripe just, lift.

4. Present warmness, taburi with celery slice.

To : 4 people.

Sweet Soup Chicken.


1 heavy chicken tail 900 gram.

2 water litre.

4 ginger cm contuse.

2 bar of serai contuse.

12 smooth iris shallot fang.

5 chicken's egg item braise.

100 gram of taoge hot water hiccup.

6 iris celery leaf sdm.

2 cooking oil sdm.

80 sweet ketchup ml.

Attenuating :

8 garlic fang.

1 dill sdt of sangrai.

1 coriander sdt of sangrai.

8 candlenut of sangrai.

2 turmeric cm burn.

1 salt sdt.

1/2 powder merica sdt.

Complement : ketchup sambal : 8 green cayenne, 3 garlic fang, tumis just and attenuate. Mixe with 100 sweet ketchup ml.


1. Braise chicken later;then [enter/include] and ginger of serai. Ripe till soft chicken then, lift and cast aside its broth for gravy.

2. Heating cooking oil later;then shallot tumis slice and flavour which [is] dihaluska till make fragrance. Then [enter/include] into broth. Enhancing sweet ketchup and didihkan return.

3. After chicken leak chicken of disuwir-suwir last cast aside.

4. Prepare last bowl arrange taoge, chicken, egg braise. Later;Then pour gravy into bowl. Taburi with celery leaf slice.

5. Present soto with sweet ketchup sambal.

To : 8 people.



250 spinach gram, mow iris.

2 of eggtofu, crosscut [of] small dice.

2 carrot bar, plane down.

250 fish flesh gram of kakap, iris.

1 broth litre.

1 cooking oil sdm and 1 sesame oil sdm.

2 garlic fang contuse.

2 ginger cm contuse.

6 mushroom of shitake fresh, iris.

2 briny ketchup sdm.

1 salt sdt and 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.

1 flour sdm of maizena dissolve meagrely irrigate.

3 egg item, shake to release.

Taburan ; coriander leaf.


1. Heating cooking oil and sesame oil, garlic tumis and ginger till make fragrance, including into and broth of didihkan.

2. Including fish slice, ripe till turn colour, enhancing and carrot of eggtofu, mushroom, briny ketchup and salt, ripe till matured carrot, coagulating with condensation of maizena.

3. After boiling to [enter/include] spinach, swirl to flatten, enhancing egg shake, swirl to flatten and cook just, lift.

4. Present warmness of taburi with coriander leaf.

To : 4 people.

Soup of Pangsit Bakso Fish.


2 cooking oil sdm.

1 sesame oil sdm.

3 garlic fang, contusing.

3 ginger cm contuse.

1 onion leaf bar, crosscut 3 shares.

1,5 water litre.

chicken bone, sufficiently

prawn head, sufficiently, tumis just.

1 salt sdt.

1/2 powder merica sdt.

1 penyedap sdm feel multipurposely ( cair)

15 of bakso fish.

content of Pangsit :

200 chicken gram chop up.

100 prawn gram attenuate.

1 onion sdm fry to crumple up.

1 egg item.

3 whole-wheat sdm.

1 salt sdt.

1/2 powder merica sdt.

1/2 sand sugar sdm.

1 penyedap sdm feel multipurposely ( cair)

20 husk sheet of pangsit.

Complement : onion leaf slice, and celery of sambal botolan.


1. Gravy : heating cooking oil with sesame oil later;then garlic tumis till last fragrance braise chicken bone and prawn head with garlic tumisan, onion leaf and ginger. After boiling to enhance salt, and powder merica, ripe just, lift and filter.

2. content of Pangsit : mix all materials : chicken, prawn, onion fry, egg, sago flour, salt, mrica , and sugar of penyedap feel multipurposely ( cair) swirl rat. Take husk sheet of pangsit fill by 1 stuffing sdm and gum with protein. [Do/Conduct] till entire/all dough [used up/finished]. Water Didihkan, braise pangsit till float to lift to cast aside.

3. Presentation : didihkan return broth later;then [enter/include] penyedap feel multipurposely is ( liquid), and pangsit of baksi fish, Braise just then lift.

4. Present warmness of taburi with onion leaf and celery leaf.

To : 5 people.

Soup Transparent Ball Prawn.

Materials :

4 egg item, braise then fry.

1 chicken chest.

Gravy Chicken :

2 margarine sdm.

5 garlic fang, chop up refinement.

1 broth litre.

1 salt sdt.

1/2 powder merica sdt.

Complement :

200 prawn gr.

1 egg item.

2 sago flour sdm.

Way Of Making Rissole of Prawn.

Attenuating prawn, sago flour, egg, and salt of merica with blender. Print dough like bakso, fry and leak.

Way of Making Broth.

Braise chicken chest with onion leaf and celery during more or less 20 minute. Dissociating chicken, dice iris or of suwir smooth.

Way of Making Soup :

1. Garlic Tumis with 2 margarine sdm till make fragrance.

2. Including tumisan into broth water, with crosscut chicken/ suwir, and enhance and salt of merica.Didihkan return.

3. Present Soup with rissole of prawn, egg fry and celery taburan.

Red Soup Ekor Bean.

Materials :

750 oxtail gr.

2 water lt.

300 red bean gr.

2 margarine sdm.

2 onion leaf btg.

2 celery btg.

2 salt sdt.

1/2 powder merica sdt.

1 nutmeg buji, 3 clove seed.

attenuated materials :

10 shallot fang.

5 garlic fang.

Way of Making :

1. Braise ekor which have been washed out, enhancing onion leaf slice and celery.

2. smooth Flavour Tumis by 2 margarine sdm till make fragrance. Including flavour tumisan into pan of rebusan flavour, enhancing garan. Including merica, nutmeg which have been attenuated and clove.

3. Present whilst heat.

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