1 chicken tail, crosscut become 20 shares.
1 orangeade sdm of nipis and 1 salt sdt.
2 ginger cm, contusing.
2 greeting leaf sheet.
1 water litre.
10 garlic fang.
8 walnut item, sangrai.
2 coriander sdm, sangrai.
1 salt sdm.
Crispy flavour:
20 sago flour gr.
1 powder baking sdt.
Cooking oil sufficiently
Complement: vegetable fresh vegetable and of sambal plough: 3 big red chilli, 8 red cayenne, and 1 tomato, fry halfdone till, lift, attenuating. Enhancing 1 matured terasi sdt and 1 / 4 salt sdt, swirl to flatten.
1. Wash out chicken, smear with orangeade of nipis and 1 salt sdt, hushed [by] 15 minute, wash out again, leak.
2. Braise chicken with ginger, greeting leaf, and smooth flavour. Cook chicken soften, use fire [is], lifting. its Chicken leak, casting aside its gravy.
3. Crispy flavour: take chicken gravy counted 500 ml, mixe with sago flour, ripe till jell, lift, to be made cool. After chilled, enhancing with powder baking, swirl to flatten, casting aside.
4. Heating oil, fry chicken till golden cacao, lift. Pouring crispy flavour above chicken of sesendok-sendok, fry till turn yellow and have a nest, lift.
5. Present warmness with vegetable fresh vegetable and of sambal plough.
To: 6 people....
1 crosscut kampong chicken tail 4 shares.
2 bar of serai contuse.
3 alpine galanga cm contuse.
3 greeting leaf sheet.
1 comb demerara sdm.
2 sdm irrigate jawa asem
1 nutmeg seed contuse.
1 powder broth sdt feel chicken.
250 coconut mink ml from 1 / 2 coconut item
Oil to frying [him/ it] it[him]
Attenuating :
8 shallot item.
5 garlic fang.
1 dill sdm of sangrai.
1 dill sdt of sangrai.
1 item merica sdt.
5 walnut item of sangrai.
5 turmeric cm of baker.
1 ginger cm.
1. Chicken after washed out, leak.
2. Prepare frying pan, put chicken smear with smooth flavour [enter/include] serai, alpine galanga, greeting leaf, demerara, irrigate asem, nutmeg, powder broth and coconut mink.
3. Cook with fire [is] till soft chicken, lift.
4. Present with rice of uduk.
To : 4 people.
Note : rest of flavour of ungkep can be utilized for mengungkep know and tempe, for the ati of ampla, ox intestine, chicken intestine, and empal of paru, braise first till soften, later;then give flavour [is] equal to chicken, hushed [by] during 30 minute and fry till mature, flavour prawn sate [is] equal to direct chicken fry.
2 tail of bandeng ( 400 gram), crosscut 3 shares.
2 orangeade sdm of nipis and 1 / 2 salt sdt.
oil to fry.
2 cucumber, throw away its seed, cut match form.
2 carrot, pare, cut match form.
15 shallot item, pare.
3 big red chilli.
20 red cayenne.
2 bar of serai, contusing.
5 orange leaf sheet.
250 water ml.
2 ripe vinegar sdm.
1/2 salt sdt and 1 / 4 powder merica sdt.
2 powder broth sdt of instan feel chicken.
3 shallot item.
3 garlic fang.
5 walnut item of sangrai.
6 turmeric cm, burn.
1 sand sugar sdm.
1. Mow bandeng, wash out then smear with orangeade of nipis salt and, hushed [by] during 10 minute.
2. Heating oil, fry bandeng till mature, lift, casting aside.
3. Heating a few/little oil, smooth flavour tumis till make fragrance, including serai, orange leaf, water, ripe vinegar, salt, and powder merica, didihkan.
4. After boiling and absorbent gravy, including carrot, cucumber, red chilli, cayenne, shallot, and powder broth of instan feel chicken, ripe just. Including bandeng fry, swirl to flatten, lift.
5. Present warmness with white rice.
To: 4 people.
2 cooking oil sdm.
1 sesame oil sdm.
5 garlic fang, chop up.
100 leek gr, chop up.
1/2 chicken, saw up.
2 oyster saus sdm.
1 salt sdt, 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.
1 ROYCO sdm feel chicken.
150 mushroom gr latch can, iris.
150 sweet maize gr [of] pipilan.
150 rice gr.
800 water ml.
3 ginger cm, contusing.
2 bar of serai, contusing.
Taburan: husk of pangsit, iris, fry; coriander leaf.
Complement: botolan sambal saus and cucumber piccalilli.
1. Mush: ripe [of] rice with water, ginger, and serai till become halfdone mush, lift.
2. Heating oil with sesame oil, garlic tumis and leek till make fragrance. Including chicken, oyster saus, salt, and powder merica, ripe till chicken turn colour. Enhancing ROYCO feel chicken, mushroom, and maize, ripe till soft chicken, lift. Including into mush, swirl to flatten.
3. Cook mush with chicken till flavour flatten and soft chicken, lift.
4. Present warmness, pangsit taburi fry and coriander leaf. Provide with sambal saus and piccalilli.
To: 6 people.
200 rice gr, wash out, leak.
2 water litre.
2 screw pine leaf sheet.
2 greeting leaf sheet.
1 salt sdt.
1 chicken chest.
1 onion leaf bar and 2 celery bar.
1 water litre.
1 bar of serai, 3 orange leaf sheet, and 2 ginger cm, contusing 6 sdm TASTE BANGO feel beloved.
3 cooking oil sdm.
8 shallot item.
5 garlic fang.
3 turmeric cm, burn.
5 walnut item, sangrai.
1 salt sdm and 1 powder merica sdt.
100 soybean gr fry.
5 of cakwe, iris.
Leaf onion slice, celery slice, onion fry, and red crisply [of] Sambal braise or botolan sambal.
1. Mush: ripe [of] rice with water, screw pine leaf, greeting, and salt till become mush which jell, lift, casting aside.
2. Gravy: heating cooking oil, smooth flavour tumis till make fragrance, lift. Braise chicken with flavour tumisan, onion leaf, celery bar, serai, orange leaf, and ginger till soft chicken, lift. Chicken Suwir-suwir. Enhancing KETCHUP of BANGO feel beloved in broth of[is rest of braising, cook just, lift.
3. Presentation: prepare bowl, fill with chicken and mush of suwir. Soybean Taburi fry, onion leaf, celery, and onion fry. Pouring gravy of soto sufficiently. Decorate with red crisply.
To: 8 people.
100 rice gr.
750 water ml.
1 screw pine leaf sheet.
2 bar of serai, contusing.
1 salt sdt.
150 sweet maize gr [of] pipilan.
250 gourd gr turn yellow, cut dice.
1 fastening spinach.
1 fastening kangkung.
2 fastening leaf of kemangi.
Complement: tomato sambal and fish of jambal briny fry.
1. Make mush: ripe [of] rice with water, screw pine leaf, bar of serai, and salt till become soft mush.
2. Including sweet maize and gourd turn yellow, cook till soften. Enhancing and spinach of kangkung, ripe just, including kemangi, swirl to flatten, lift.
3. Present vegetable mush with tomato sambal and fish of jambal briny.
To: 4 people.
500 beef gram, stumble over myopia.
500 gram chop down, braise to mature.
300 ox liver gram, braise to mature.
200 ox heart gram, braise to mature.
5 bar of serai contuse.
4 alpine galanga sm contuse.
2 ginger cm contuse.
5 greeting leaf sheet.
250 peanut gram, fry to attenuate.
2,5 water litre clean rice / tajin.
1 powder broth flavour sdm feel ox.
6 vegetable oil sdm.
Attenuating :
10 garlic fang.
8 walnut item of sangrai.
1 coriander sdm of sangrai.
1 dill sdt of sangrai.
1 salt sdt and 1 item merica sdt.
Complement : onion fry, onion leaf slice and celery slice, taoco sambal Attenuate : 10 shallot, 5 garlic fang, 10 frizzy chilli braise just, 100 gram of taoco, tumis by 6 vegetable oil sdm till mature, attenuating to enhance demerara and salt.
1. Braise beef, Indonesian Chinese father
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