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Monday, June 4, 2007

Soup Tomato Ball Prawn.

Materials :

1 tomato singk.

2 margarine sdm.

1 leek, smooth iris.

1 whole-wheat sdm.

1 nutmeg, contusing.

1 salt sdt.

1/2 powder merica.

2 sand sugar sdm.

500 chicken broth ml 5 tomato saus sdm.

50 cream ml jell.

1 petersei sdm chop up.

Ball Prawn : 250 prawn gr chop up, 1 salt sdt, 1 / 2 powder merica sdt, and 1 sand sugar sdt, swirl to flatten. Fry ball form, casting aside.

Way of making :

1.Didihkan water, braise tomato just till wilting, lift, then blender. Later;Then filter, casting aside.

Heating margarine, leek tumis till make fragrance, including whole-wheat, swirl to flatten.

2. Enhancing smooth tomato, nutmeg, salt, powder merica, sand sugar, chicken broth, and tomato saus, duduhkan.

3. Pouring cream jell and lift.

4. Present warmness, taburi with peterseli chop up.

To : 6 People.


Soup Know Egg.

Materials :

1 cooking oil sdm.

1 sesame oil sdt.

2 ginger cm, contusing.

3 garlic fang, contusing.

1,5 chicken broth litre.

2 salt sdt, 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.

1 fastening green mustard, cut to pieces.

Dough soybean cake :

1 big white soybean cake, attenuating.

100 prawn gr chop up.

1 sago flour sdm.

1 egg item.

1 salt sdt, 1 / 2 powder merica sdt, and 1 sand sugar sdt.

10 quill egg item, braise to mature, pare.

Taburan : onion leaf slice and celery slice.

Way of Making :

1. Dough soybean cake : mix [of] soybean cake with prawn, sago, egg, salt, merica, and sand sugar, swirl to flatten. Prepare small bowl / brass of pai small, olesi with cooking oil.

2. Pouring dough know into brass, giving one quill egg item which have [in] braising and pared. Steam during 15 minute, lift. [Releasing] from brass.

3. Gravy : Heating oil of greng sesame oil and. Garlic Tumis till make fragrance. Infusing chicken broth, didihkan. Enhancing powder merica garamdan, after boiling, lift.

4. Prepare bowl, arrange soybean cake, giving and gravy of taburi onion leaf slice and celery.

To : 4 People.


Soup Coconut


1 young coconut, its flesh kerok, leave over its shell of coconut

2 cooking oil sdm.

1 leek, iris.

200 gram of cumi, crosscut [of] match form.

300 fish flesh gram of kakap, crosscut [of] dice.

300 prawn gram, split its back

2 bar of serai, contusing.

3 orange leaf sheet.

3 ginger cm, contusing.

1 water litre.

1 salt sdt, 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.

1 ROYCO sdm feel chicken.

1 tomato, cut to pieces.

2 orangeade sdm of nipis.


1. Heating oil, leek tumis till make fragrance, including cumi, prawn, serai, orange leaf, and ginger. Ripe till prawn turn colour.

2. Including water, salt, powder merica, and ROYCO feel chicken, didihkan.

3. After boiling to [enter/include] tomato, orangeade of nipis, and young coconut, cook just, lift.

4. Pouring soup into coconut shell of coconut or soup bowl. Present warmness.

To: 4 people.


Soup Goat Green Peanut.


500 rib gr [of] goat, cut to pieces.

150 green peanut gr.

2 water litre.

2 cooking oil sdm.

1 leek, chop up harshly.

1 nutmeg seed, contusing.

3 cinnamon cm.

5 clove seed.

2 ginger cm, contusing.

2 salt sdt and 1 powder merica sdt.

Taburan: onion slice, celery, and onion fry.


1. Didihkan 1,5 water litre, braise ribly [of] goat. Enhancing nutmeg, cinnamon, clove, and ginger. Ripe until soft flesh, lift.

2. Didihkan 500 water cc, braise green peanut soften. Mixing into mutton rebusan.

3. Heating oil, leek tumis make fragrance. Including into gravy of rebusan flesh, ripe just. Enhancing and salt of merica powder, swirl to flatten, lift.

4. Present warmness with onion leaf taburan, celery, and onion fry.

To: 6 people.


Soup Fish Gravy Transparent.

Materials :

1 tail of kakap white, weight 750 gram.

1 orangeade sdm of nipis and 1 salt sdt.

1,5 water litre.

3 bar of serai, contusing.

3 ginger cm, contusing.

3 alpine galanga cm, contusing.

5 orange leaf sheet.

1 screw pine leaf sheet, cut to pieces.

2 salt sdt and 1 powder merica sdt.

3 big red chilli, iris.

2 big green chilli, iris.

8 shallot item, iris.

5 garlic fang, iris.

6 vegetable tomato, cut to pieces.

3 orangeade sdm of nipis.

2 fastening leaf of kemangi.

20 red cayenne and 2 red tomato, iris.

Way of making :

1. Mow fish of kakap white, cut to become 3 shares, wash out. Smear with orangeade of nipis salt and, hushed [by] during 10 minute. Wash out again, leak.

2. Water Didihkan, including serai, ginger, alpine galanga, orange leaf, screw pine, and salt of merica.

3. After boiling, including fish of kakap white, shallot, garlic, red chilli and green chilli, cook till soft fish.

4. Including orangeade of nipis, cayenne and kemangi and tomato, swirl to flatten, cook just and lift. Present warmness.

To : 4 people.


Soup of Bakso Cumi.


500 gram of cumi, wash out.

5 whitewash sdm of sirih.

100 sago flour gram.

1 protein.

1 salt sdt.


1 cooking oil sdm.

3 garlic fang, chop up.

3 prawn [is].

2 water litre.

3 ginger cm, contusing.

2 bar of serai, contusing.

2 salt sdt, 1 powder merica sdt.

1 fastening green mustard, cut to pieces.

50 gram of soun, soak water till soften, leak.

Taburan: onion leaf slice, celery, and onion fry.


1. Cumi Bakso: smear cumi with whitewash of sirih, crumple up, wash out again, leak.

2. Attenuating cumi, mixe with sago flour, protein, and salt, swirl to flatten till become dough able to be formed.

3. Water Didihkan, dough form of cumi circular, cook till float, lift. Packing into ice water just, lift, leak.

4. Soup: heating oil, garlic tumis and prawn till make fragrance, lift. Water Didihkan, including prawn tumisan, ginger, serai, salt, and powder merica.

5. After boiling, including green mustard and bakso, cook just, lift.

6. Prepare bowl, fill with soun, bakso, and [his/its] gravy, onion leaf taburi, celery, and onion fry. Present warmness.

To: 6 people.


Soup Know Brocolli.


250 brocolli gram.

50 gram of taoge, mow.

1 bale know egg / eggtofu, cut to pieces.

1 onion leaf bar, iris.

300 gram of kwetiau.

2 cooking oil sdm.

1 sesame oil sdm.

3 garlic fang, chop up.

1 chicken broth litre.

1 salt sdt, 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.

1 ketchup sdm stamp BANGO feel brinyly.


1. Heating cooking oil and sesame oil, garlic tumis till make fragrance. Including chicken broth, salt, and powder merica, didihkan.

2. Including brocolli, soybean cake, onion leaf, and taoge, ripe till matured vegetable. Enhancing ketchup stamp BANGO feel brinyly, swirl to flatten.

3. Including kwetiau, ripe just, lift.

4. Present warmness.

To: 4 people.


Soup Know Fish.

500 tail fish flesh gram turn yellow, attenuating.

150 sago flour gram.

5 shallot item, chop up, tumis.

2 salt sdt, 1 / 2 powder merica sdt, and.

1 sand sugar sdm.

2 protein and 50 water ml.


10 know pong fry.

2 soybean cake flower sheet, crosscut 10 cm.

6 of kibun kani ( olahan feel crab)

8 of kibun mame ( olahan feel fish)


1 1/2 broth litre.

3 garlic fang, chop up, tumis.

1 onion leaf bar, cut to pieces.

100 gram of soun, soak cool water till soften, leak.

Taburan: onion fry, celery leaf slice, and onion sambal braise.


1. Stuffing: mix [of] tail fish flesh turn yellow with sago flour, shallot of tumis, salt, merica, sugar, egg, and water, swirl to flatten. Uleni till become dough able to be formed.

2. Take one soybean cake of pong fry, cut two heeling, content with stuffing. Flower content know by 1 stuffing sdt. Fold triangularity.

3. Steam during 15 minute, lift.

4. Braise broth, including garlic tumisan, salt, merica, and onion leaf, after boiling, lift.

5. Prepare bowl, put soun, stuffing, kani kibun, mame kibun and give warm gravy. Taburi with celery slice and onion fry, present warmness with onion sambal braise.

To: 6 people.


Sop Kenchin.


120 radish gram.

80 carrot gram.

120 parsnip gram of keladi / ebimo.

80 gram grow on vegetable / gobo.

80 onion leaf gram.

1/2 bale know silk

8 of kapri.

1 fish broth litre / dashi.

30 shoyu kochi koi cc / condensed briny ketchup.

1/2 salt sdt.

15 sesame oil ml.

Way of making :

1 Vegetable, radish, carrot, parsnip of keladi vegetable root and, crosscut [of] form according to appetite.

2. Cook broth with vegetable, enhancing condensed briny ketchup flavour, salt.

3. Enhancing soybean cake which have been broken, kapri, onion leaf and sesame oil.

4. After boiling, lift, present warmness.

To : 2 people.


Soup of Misoa Know Egg.


2 cooking oil sdm.

2 garlic fang, contusing.

2 ginger cm, contusing.

100 prawn gr, cut to pieces.

750 water ml.

3 of oyong ( gambas), pare, iris.

1 know egg ( tofu egg), cut to pieces.

2 egg item, shake to release.

2 fastening misoa

1 salt sdt, 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.

Complement: onion leaf slice and celery.


1.Panaskan cooking oil, garlic tumis and ginger make fragrance. Including prawn, ripe until prawn turn colour.

2. Including water, last [of] didihkan. After boiling to [enter/include] oyong, ripe just 3. Enhancing soybean cake cutting, egg, salt, and powder merica, swirl to flatten.

4. Enhancing misoa, ripe just, lift.

5. Present warmness, taburi with onion leaf slice and celery.

To: 4 people.



Materials :

750 chicken broth ml.

2 egg item, braise to mature.

1 flower of kol heavy 350 gram.

100 cream ml jell.

1 salt sdt, 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.

Taburan : peterseli chop up, egg braise to chop up, and smoked meat slice.

Way of making :

1. Egg braise to chop up, casting aside.

2. Broth Didihkan, including flower of kol, halfdone ripe till, lift and blender.

3.Rebus returning flower of kol smooth, enhancing cream jell, and salt of merica, didihkan during cooking to poke at. After boiling to lift.

4. Present warmness of taburi with peterseli, egg braise and smoked meat slice.

To : 4 people.



Materials :

300 chicken flesh gram attenuate.

2 flour sdm of panir.

1 chicken's egg item.

2 shallot sdm fry, crumple up.

1 salt sdt, 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.

1 sand sugar sdt.

1 sdm taste beraroma

aluminium paper, sufficiently

Gravy :

1 margarine sdm.

1 leek, iris.

1,5 chicken broth litre.

2 salt sdt, 1 powder merica sdt.

1 nutmeg seed, contusing.

Content :

2 carrot, crosscut according to appetite

150 clasp mushroom gram, iris.

150 sweet maize gram [of] pipilan.

5 congelation pea sdm.

Taburan : celery leaf slice.

Way of making :

1. Mingle attenuated chicken with flour of panir, egg, onion fry, salt, merica, sand sugar and ketchup of beraroma, swirl to flatten to bisect bale with aluminium of foil and steam during 30 minute, lift. Cut as thick as 1 cm cast aside.

2. Gravy : heating margarine, leek tumis of hingg odorous, including into broth, didihkan enhance salt, nutmeg and merica.

3. After boiling to [enter/include] carrot, mushroom, maize of pipilan congelation pea and, cook just, lift.

4. Presentation : prepare bowl, arrange chicken flesh steam, pouring gravy and [his/its] stuffing, celery slice taburi.

Present warmness.

To : 6 bowl.



Materials :

500 fish flesh gram of kakap, crosscut according to appetite

3 orange leaf sheet.

2 bar of serai, contusing.

30 leaf sheet of kemangi.

1 coconut mink litre from 1 coconut item

2 salt sdt, 1 powder merica sdt.

4 fresh tomato, cut small dice.

2 carrot bar, crosscut [of] small dice.

150 fresh clasp mushroom gram.

1 onion leaf bar, smooth iris.

2 cooking oil sdm.

5 orangeade sdm of nipis.

2 fish saus/kecap sdm.

Attenuating :

2 big red chilli.

7 red cayenne.

5 shallot fang.

3 garlic fang.

Way of making :

1. Fish flesh of kakap, wash out, smear with salt and lime, hushed just, wash out again and leak.

2. Heating oil of tumis smooth flavour till make fragrance, including coconut mink, braise again, including salt, merica, orange leaf, serai.

3. After boiling to [enter/include] carp fish, ripe mushroom and carrot till matured fish, enhancing tomato cutting, onion leaf and leaf of kemangi, ripe just, lift.

Present warmness.

To : 4 people.



Materials :

2 cooking oil sdm.

1 sesame oil sdm.

2 garlic fang contuse.

2 ginger cm, pare and contuse.

1 chicken broth litre.

1 salt sdt, 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.

150 flesh gram of rajungan.

200 canned sweet maize gram.

1 of egg tofu, crosscut [of] small dice.

1 sago flour sdm dissolve meagrely irrigate.

3 egg item, shake to release.

1 onion leaf bar, smooth iris.

Way of making :

1. Heating vegetable oil with sesame oil, garlic tumis till make fragrance, including ginger and broth, didihkan.

2. Including and salt of merica powder, flesh of rajungan, and maize of didihkan return.

3. Coagulating with sago flour condensation, swirl to flatten, after jelling, including egg shake slow at the same time continue to be swirled till look like fiber, lift, enhancing cutting of eggtofu.

3. Present warmness of taburi with onion leaf slice.

To : 4 people.



Materials :

2 cooking oil sdm.

1 sesame oil sdt.

3 garlic fang, chop up refinement.

1 chicken broth litre.

2 onion leaf bar, cut to pieces.

3 orange leaf sheet.

1 bar of serai contuse.

5 green cayenne, contusing.

2 orangeade sdm of nipis.

2 fish saus sdm / fish ketchup.

1 salt sdt and 1 powder merica sdt.

6 mushroom of shitake iris.

150 clasp mushroom gram.

50 gram of toge.

200 gram know silk, crosscut [of] dice.

Taburan : coriander leaf.

Way of making :

1. Heating cooking oil with sesame oil, garlic tumis till make fragrance, including broth, didihkan.

2. Enhancing onion leaf, orange leaf, serai, cayenne, orangeade of nipis, fish saus, and salt of merica, didihkan return.

3. Including mushroom slice, clasp mushroom, silk soybean cake and taoge, ripe till matured vegetable, lift.

4. Present warmness, taburi with coriander leaf.

To : 4 people.


Soup of Soun Pangsit Bread.

100 Cumi gr chop up.

100 Chicken gr chop up.

100 Prawn gr Chop up.

50 Mushroom gr of sitake.

20 Red pepper.

5 cutting crosscut Rotin.

10 Leaf coriander gr.

10 Ginger gr.

10 Garlic gr.

30 Ang Ciu ml.

100 Carrot gr.

20 Oil sesame ml.

200 Juice orange ml.

50 Soun gr.

Way of mambuat :

1. Chicken, prawn, Cumi all choped up, to be mixed with coriander leaf, swirled till flatten. later;then wrap with bread cutting in form of last wanton [in] frying.

3. Garlic Tumis and enhance orange juice and chicken broth, including mixture of[is rest of content of wanton, swirl till boil 4. Including all vegetable till mature. Ready for presented ==========================================



300 gram of bihun.

200 beef gram, flimsy iris.

250 prawn gram [is], throwing away husk leave over its tail

12 of bakso fish.

1 powder broth sdt, if/when liking

1 fastening green mustard.

200 gram of toge mow.

2 onion leaf bar, iris.

Gravy :

2 cooking oil sdm.

2 garlic fang, contusing.

2 ginger cm, contusing.

1,5 water litre.

2 salt sdt.

1 powder merica sdt.


1. Bihun soak in warm water till soften, lift and leak.

2. Heating oil of tumis prawn husk and garlic till turn colour, mingle prawn husk, ginger and water, didihkan, lift and filter.

3. Didihkan return broth, enhancing and salt of merica powder, if/when liking to enhance powder broth. Including prawn, prawn bakso and beef slice, ripe till mature.

3. Prepare bowl put bihun, green mustard and hiccup toge with broth till wilting, enhancing broth and [his/its] stuffing.

Present warmness.

To : 6 people.




8 of ati chicken.

2 garlic fang attenuate.

1 salt sdt and 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.

1/2 chicken tail.

1 onion leaf bar and 1 celery bar.

1,5 water litre.

1 cooking oil sdm.

2 garlic fang, attenuating with 1 item merica sdt and 1 salt sdt 2 ginger cm contuse.

50 gram of soun, soak warm water till soften, leak.

50 ear mushroom gram, soak water till flower and soften, leak 2 carrot bar, crosscut according to appetite

50 delicate gram [of] night.

12 quill egg item, braise to mature, fry.

Taburan : onion fry, celery leaf slice and onion leaf slice of Sambal ketchup : 8 red cayenne, 2 garlic fang, fry, attenuating and enhancing 50 sweet ketchup ml.


1. Chicken Ati wash out, leak smear with garlic, smooth, salt, ungkep above fire [is] till mature, lift, fry just, lift.

2. Chicken wash out, leak. Braise chicken with and celery and onion till matured chicken, lift and suwir-suwir cast aside.

3. Heating oil, smooth garlic tumis till make fragrance, including into broth enhance ginger. After boiling to [enter/include] carrot, mushroom and is delicate [of] night, ripe just, lift.

4. Prepare bowl fill with soun, chicken of suwir, quill egg, slice of ati chicken fry, gravy with its stuffing, onion taburi fry, celery slice and onion leaf.

5. Present warmness with ketchup sambal.

To : 6 people.



Materials :

50 Prawn gr pole.

1 water litre.

3 garlic fang contuse.

2 ginger cm contuse.

1 bar of serai contuse.

1 turmeric leaf sheet.

3 orange leaf sheet.

1 salt sdt.

1 powder broth sdt.

10 red cayenne.

6 of belimbing vegetable.

2 tomato cut to pieces.

Way of making :

1. Wash out leak and prawn.

2. Water Didihkan, garlic input, ginger, orange leaf turmeric leaf serai and salt.

3. After boiling again, including prawn pole and powder broth, ripe till matured prawn.

4. Including cutting and cayenne of belimbing vegetable, tomato, ripe just, lift.

5. Present warmness.

To : 4 people.




3 tomato, blender.

2 margarine sdm.

1 leek, cut to pieces.

3 garlic fang, chop up.

2 greeting leaf sheet.

1 water litre.

2 carrot bar, crosscut [of] small dice.

2 potato, pare to cut small dice.

300 prawn gram [is], paring to leave over its tail

300 green cockle gram.

300 white cockle gram.

250 fish flesh gram of kakap.

1 salt sdt, 1 powder merica sdt.

1 sand sugar sdm.

Taburan : peterseli chop up.


1. Heating margarine, leek tumis and garlic till make fragrance, including leaf greet and water, didihkan.

Including potato and carrot, ripe till mature.

2. Including prawn, green cockle, white cockle, kakap, salt, sand sugar and merica, ripe till mature, enhancing tomato which have been attenuated, swirl to flatten, cook just, lift.

4. Present warmness, taburi with peterseli chop up.

To : 6 people.



1. SOUP.

Egg 6 pcs.

Meat Ground 200 gr.

Chopped Garlic 60 gr.

husk of Pangsit 12 sheet.

Salt, pepper 10 gr.



Ear mushroom, julienne 100 gr.

Carrot, julienne 200 gr.

Julienne Leek 150 gr.

Chili Red 100 gr.


Stock Chicken 2 lt.

Ginger 200 gr.

lemon of Grass 150 gr.

lemon of Roat 100 gr.

Salt, pepper.

For filling METHOD :

1. Egg Boiled, beet little a with meat grund the saute of of salt with seasoning garlic of chopped with add oil, pepper of white egg of dice add ( cooked), cover fryer fat deep in fried and skin pangsit with.

2. All vegetable julienne of Blanch.

3. The stuffing of fried egg boiled Served / pangsit stuffed, plate soup the in vegetable julienne the with.

The stock Pure.




2 butter sdm

1 leek chop up.

1 whole-wheat sdm.

500 broth ml.

500 liquid milk ml.

50 cream ml jell.

350 big knife gourd gram, steam to mature and attenuate.

2 smoke beef sheet, iris.

1 peterseli sdt chop up.

Complement: onion bread: 1 French bread, iris manipulate 1 cm, olesan: 5 butter sdm, 5 garlic fang, chop up peterseli sdt halus,1 chop up, 1 / 2 salt sdt and 1 / 4 powder merica sdt, swirl to flatten.


1. Onion bread : bread cutting olesi with onion butter olesan, put above brass of pipih and grill in hot oven till run dry, lift. Casting aside.

2. Heating butter, leek tumis till wilting, including whole-wheat, swirl to flatten to enhance milk and broth of didihkan.

Including gourd which have been attenuated, swirl to flatten, enhancing cream jell and smoked meat slice swirl to flatten, cook just, lift.

3. Present warmness of taburi with peterseli chop up and provide with onion bread.

To : 8 people.




1 kampong chicken tail, crosscut 2 broken shares.

1,5 water litre.

50 gram of macaroni, braise to mature.

2 carrot bar, crosscut.

150 clasp mushroom gram.

6 pea sdm.

2 celery bar.

1 celery bar.

1 nutmeg seed contuse.

1 margarine sdm.

1 cooking oil sdm.

Attenuating :

5 shallot item.

1 item merica sdt.

1 salt sdt.

Taburan : onion fry.


1 Braising chicken with onion leaf and celery till soften, lift, crosscut chicken flesh [of] dice cast aside.

2 Heating margarine with cooking oil, attenuated flavour tumis till make fragrance, enhancing nutmeg, including into broth and braise again.

3 After boiling, including carrot, mushroom latch and pea after matured vegetable, including ripe macaroni just lift.

4 Preparing bowl, present warmness of taburi with onion fry.

To : 6 people.

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