MATERIALS : Carpet.(Brownies)
75 whole-wheat gram.
200 liquid milk ml.
1 sand sugar sdm.
1 egg item.
1 margarine sdm melt.
3 brown sdm [of] colourful meyses.
1 ice-cream litre of WALL'S Blizard chocolate.
Decoration : cream whipping, brown melt and fresh stroberi.
1. Carpet : mix [of] whole-wheat with liquid milk, sand sugar, swirl to flatten, including and egg of margarine melt, swirl to flatten. Prepare frying pan of pipih size measure 20 cm make flimsy dadar [of] taburi with cacao of meyses warnap-warni.
2. Presentation : prepare small dish, put dadar, giving 2 ice-cream skup of WALL'S Blizard chocolate, decorative with cream whipping, brown melt and fresh stroberi.
3. Present immediately.
To : 6-8 people.
Pudding for stuffing :
1 powder jelly bale of SAGAR brown colour.
3 powder sdt copy instant, 150 sand sugar gram.
700 water ml.
mokacino pudding.
1 powder jelly bale of SAGAR brown colour.
700 liquid milk ml, 200 sand sugar gram.
3 powder sdt copy instant, 1 brown sdm [of] powder.
1 flour sdm of maizena
100 cream ml jell.
2 protein.
Caramel Saus :
500 liquid milk ml.
2 flour sdm of maizena
200 sand sugar gram.
100 cream ml jell.
Decoration : sweet orange and fruit of stroberi fresh.
1. Stuffing pudding : prepare brass form size measure segiempat 20 cm, wett with water, casting aside , mingle powder jelly of SAGAR with coffee of instant sugar of psair water and, swirl to flatten and cook till boil, pouring into brass made cool [by] after chilled, cut dice 1 cm, casting aside.
2. Prepare pudding printing;mould form size measure ring 1250 ml, wett with water cast aside.
3. pudding of Mokacino : mix [of] jelly of SAGAR with liquid milk, sand sugar, copy instant, brown [of] flour and powder of maizena ripe till boil, lift, including cream jell, swirl to flatten, whereas protein kcocok till flower and is stiff. Mixing into pudding swirl to flatten.
4. Solution : pouring dough a little a few/little stuffing pudding, eliminating heat vapour and keep in cooler cupboard;locker.
5. Caramel Saus : mix [of] liquid milk with flour of maizena, swirl to flatten, heating sand sugar in frying pan, use small fire till become caramel, pouring liquid milk and amsak till dissolve caramel and jell, including cream jell, cook just, lift, eliminating heat vapour and keep in cooler leamri.
5. Present pudding with caramel saus.
To : 12 cutting.
180 currant gram.
2 egg item.
80 palm sugar gram.
175 whole-wheat gram.
200 brown gram cook.
125 butter gram
Olesan [Cover/Conclusion]:
2 Egg yolk.
125 sand sugar gram.
50 cream ml jell.
200 butter gram, shake softly.
150 brown gram nub with cream bread.
Decoration: Brown cook, melting.
Way of making:
1. Prepare brass of segiempat size measure 20 cm, olesi with butter and pillow with bread paper. Heating oven with temperature 180 degree of Celcius.
2. Currant soak just in leak and water.
3. [Cover/Conclusion] Olesan: Mixing egg yolk, sand sugar and cream jell, swirl to flatten and dissolve team till, lift, to be made cool. shake soft butter till, enhancing cacao nub with cream and egg dough, swirl to flatten.
4. Shake soft palm sugar and egg till, including ripe cacao, whole-wheat and butter, swirl to flatten.
5. Infusing brass and grill during 30 minute till mature, lift, eliminating heat vapour.
6. After cool cake give [cover/conclusion] olesan of him, decorative with crosscut and ripe cacao according to appetite.
To: 12 cutting.
6 egg item.
180 sand sugar gram.
1 emulsifier cake sdt.
150 whole-wheat gram.
2 orange gist;sari syrup sdm.
100 gram of margarine, melting.
150 sweet orange gra in can.
Decoration :
150 brown gram cook " white" melting.
orange essens sufficiently
peel of Sunkist, sweet orange and iris.
1. Heating oven with temperature 180 degree of Celcius, prepare brass form size measure ring 22 cm, olesi with and margarine of taburi whole-wheat, casting aside.
2. Shake egg with sand sugar and of cake emulsifier till flower and is soft.
3. Including whole-wheat, swirl to flatten, enhancing margarine melt, swirl to flatten.
4. Pouring a few/little into and brass of taburi sweet orange, [do/conduct] bergantian and grill during 45 minute till mature, lift.
5. After chilled to decorate with ripe cacao " white" peel slice of Sunkist and sweet orange.
6. Present as friend drink coffee or tea.
To: 20 cutting.
200 whole-wheat gram.
25 brown gram [of] powder.
1 powder baking sdt.
1/4 salt sdt.
100 sand sugar gram.
300 liquid milk ml.
4 egg yolk.
50 liquid butter gram.
2 protein, shake stiffly.
1. Mingle whole-wheat with powder cacao, powder baking, sand sugar and salt, swirl to flatten.
2. Including liquid milk and egg yolk, swirl to flatten, enhancing liquid butter, swirl to flatten. Including protein which have been shaked, swirl to flatten and hushed [by] during 15 minute.
3. Prepare waffle printing;mould, olesi meagrely butter, pouring dough till almost full (of) and let ripen.
4. Present warmness.
To : 16 cutting.
MATERIALS : Elementary.
100 gram of biscuit marie, attenuating.
100 butter gram
1 powder kayumanis sdt.
dough :
150 brown gram cook dark.
500 gram of cream cheese.
100 sand sugar gram of castor.
2 egg item.
50 whole-wheat gram.
1 brown sdm [of] powder.
80 yogurt ml.
taburan : brown [of] powder, powder sugar and of stroberi fresh.
1. Prepare brass unload size measure tide : 20 cm pillow brass base with aluminium of foil. Heating oven with temperature 180 Degree of Celcius.
2. Base : mix [of] marie biscuit with and butter of kayumanis powder, swirl to flatten and arrange brass base, compacting.
3. Dough : shake cheese cream with soft sand sugar till, including egg and shake till flatten, enhancing powder cacao and whole-wheat, swirl to flatten, including ripe cacao and yogurt which have been melted, swirl to flatten.
4. Pouring into brass and grill during 1 [hour/clock], lift, eliminating heat vapour and keep in cooler cupboard;locker during 3 [hour/clock].
5. Decorate with cacao, powder sugar and of stroberi.
6. Present to be chilled.
10 egg yolk.
6 protein.
175 sand sugar gram.
1/2 emulsifier/tbm/sp/ovalet cake sdt.
150 whole-wheat gram.
100 margarine gram, melting.
pasta of moka sufficiently
nougat vanilla :
250 brown gram nub with cream bread.
150 powder cream gram mixe with 200 cool milk ml, shake.
300 gram of enting bean, box harshly.
Decoration : bean enting and red cherry.
1. Prepare circular brass [of] size measure 22 cm, olesi with margarine, whole-wheat taburi, casting aside. Heating oven with temperature 180 degree of Celcius.
2. Shake egg turn yellow, turn white with sand sugar and of cake emulsifier, till flower and is soft.
3. Including whole-wheat, swirl to flatten, enhancing margarine melt, swirl to flatten, enhancing pasta of moka, swirl to flatten and pour into brass and grill during 40 minute till mature.
4. Nougat Vanilla : mix [of] cacao nub with cream with cream which have been shaked, swirl to flatten.
5. Solution : crosscut [of] cake become 3 shares level off, olesi with cream olesan, taburi with bean enting, smooth down to reorganize. Decorate entire/all surface of and cake of taburi bean enting and red cherry. Keep in cooler cupboard;locker.
6. Present to be chilled.
To : 12 cutting.
300 margarine gram.
250 sand sugar gram.
1 rum sdm of baker.
10 egg item, dissociating to turn yellow and turn white him
300 whole-wheat gram.
1 powder baking sdt.
6 brown sdm [of] meyses.
brown dough :
3 brown sdm [of] powder.
2 brown pasta sdt.
1. Heating oven with temperature 180 degree of Celcius, prepare brass form size measure ring 24 cm, olesi with and margarine of taburi whole-wheat, casting aside.
2. Shake soft sand sugar and margarine till, including powder vanili and egg yolk in phases and continue to shake till flatten. Including and whole-wheat of baking powder, swirl to flatten.
3. Enhancing protein which have been shaked is stiff, swirl to flatten.
4. Brown dough : take 1 / 4 dough give powder cacao and brown pasta, swirl to flatten.
5. Pouring 1/2 part of white dough to brass, pouring dough 1 / 2 part of brown dough and taburi by 3 brown sdm [of] meyses, poke at to make pattern of marmer, pouring the rest of white dough and brown dough, meyses taburi and pattern form of marmer.
6. Grill during 45 minute till mature, lift.
7. Present as complement drink coffee or tea.
To : 16 cutting.
275 brown gram cook " dark"
150 sugar gram of kastor.
175 butter gram bargain.
1 essens vanilla sdt.
5 disjointing egg item turn yellow and turn white him
100 whole-wheat gram.
decoration : brown nub with cream and powder sugar and pastry.
1. Prepare brass unload size measure tide 22 cm, pillow bread paper, butter olesi and of taburi whole-wheat, heating oven with temperature 180 degree of Celcius.
2. Ripe cacao, sand sugar and butter put in place of and lumerkan, swirl to flatten, lift and eliminate heat vapour. Enhancing essens vanilla, swirl to flatten.
3. Egg yolk shake soft and pour into brown dough, swirl to flatten. Including whole-wheat, swirl to flatten.
4. Protein shake till flower and is stiff, mixing into brown dough, swirl to flatten, pouring into brass.
5. Grill during 45 minute till mature, lift.
6. Sugar powder Taburi, crosscut and present as sajian drink coffee or tea.
To : 12 cutting.
300 whole-wheat gram.
175 margarine gram.
50 water ml.
1/2 salt sdt.
1 sand sugar sdm.
1 egg item.
Content :
200 liquid milk ml.
1 brown sdm [of] powder.
50 sand sugar gram.
10 flour gram of maizena
125 brown gram cook to nub with cream bread.
4 bean pasta sdm.
50 brown gram [of] chips.
1. Prepare brass of pai pocket edition, oelsi with margarine, casting aside.
2. Husk : mix [of] whole-wheat with margarine, swirl to flatten till entire/all flour closed margarine. Mix [of] water with sand sugar and salt, swirl to flatten to pour to flour, swirl to flatten and enhance egg, swirl to flatten again till become dough able to be formed, to be hushed [by] during 15 minute.
3. Content : Mix [of] liquid milk with powder cacao, sand sugar and flour of maizena, swirl to flatten, after boiling and jelling, lift. Enhancing cacao nub with cream and bean pasta, swirl to flatten, keep in cooler cupboard;locker.
4. Solution : dough pipihkan and print in husk printing;mould of pai, grill in oven with temperature 180 degree of during 15 minute, or till mature, lift. Eliminating heat vapour, fill with stuffing of taburi brown [of] chips and keep in cooler cupboard;locker.
5. Present to be chilled.
To : 20.
10 king banana
Oil to fry.
Flour dough :
250 liquid milk ml.
125 gram of margarine.
1 sand sugar sdm.
100 whole-wheat gram.
4 egg item.
Saus :
250 brown gram cook, melting.
200 cream ml jell.
50 sand sugar gram.
50 water ml.
Decoration : fruit of stroberi fresh.
1. Didihkan irrigate with sand sugar and margarine, after boiling to [enter/include] whole-wheat, swirl to flatten and cook till become proof dough pasta, lift.
2. After rather cool [enter/include] egg one by one and swirl to flatten till become dough which jell.
3. Saus : mix [of] ripe cacao melt, cream jell, sand sugar and water, swirl to flatten, didihkan, lift.
4. Crosscut plantain according to appetite and heat cooking oil.
5. Plunging banana into dough and fry till brown chromatic, lift.
6. Present warmness with decorative and brown saus with fruit of stroberi fresh.
To : 30 cutting.
Materials :
100 palm sugar gram.
100 brown gr [of] powder.
175 margarine gram.
3 egg item.
250 flour gram of self-raising.
200 brown gram cook crosscut dark&white [of] dice.
100 cream ml jell.
75 brown gram cook to melt.
2 margarine sdm melt.
Way of making :
1. Heating oven with temperature 180 degree of celcius, prepare brass form size measure ring 1 litre.
2. Mingle flour of self-raising with palm sugar, powder cacao and margarine, swirl to flatten, including egg one by one and ripe cacao, swirl to flatten.
3. Grill during 40-50 minute lift and decorate with brown saus, fruit cocktail and of strawberry.
4. For saus to heat cream jell, ripe cacao and margarine swirl to flatten.
To : 10 cutting.
Materials :
4 egg yolk.
1 protein.
80 sand sugar gram.
1/2 emulsifier cake sdt.
50 whole-wheat gram.
10 brown gram [of] powder.
brown pasta sufficiently
80 gram of margarine, melting.
Olesan : brown jam or instant vla, sufficiently
Way of making :
1. Prepare size measure brass 20 olesi cm with and margarine of taburi whole-wheat, and boiler which last for size measure brass 20 cm, heating with water which enough.
2. Shake egg with sand sugar and of cake emulsifier/tbm/ovalet/sp, shake till float and is soft.
3. Including powder cacao and whole-wheat, swirl to flatten, enhancing liquid margarine, swirl to flatten and pour into brass.
4. Steam during 30 minute till mature, lift to prepare bread paper and pour cake, made cool and olesi with brown jam, furl and compact.
5. Cut to pieces to present.
To : 8 cutting.
Materials :
5 egg item.
80 sand sugar gram.
3 gelatine sdm dissolve by 50 hot water ml.
250 brown gram cook to melt.
250 cream ml jell.
Decoration : cream whipped and red cherry.
Way of making :
1. Shake egg yolk with sugar above small fire by using 2 of[is place of, one for hot water and one for the dough of egg, shake soft till and flower, lift. Including gelatine condensation and ripe cacao which have been melted, swirl to flatten.
2. Shake cream jell till flower in a state of chilled, later;then mixe with egg dough, swirl to flatten.
3. Infusing glass, made cool [by] during 2 [hour/clock].
4. Present to be chilled to decorate with cream whipped and red cherry.
To : 6 glass.
Materials : brown cake.
5 egg yolk and 3 protein.
100 sand sugar gr.
100 whole-wheat gr.
2 brown sdm [of] powder.
100 gram of margarine, liquefy.
1 can ( 400 gram) black cherry in syrup, ready to buy.
kirchwasser/rum, if/when liking
250 cream ml jell, shake to be chilled or can use 100 powder cream gram shake by 175 chilled liquid milk ml till Decoration flower : brown slice cook and red cherry.
Way of making :
1. Brown Cake : heating oven with temperature 180 degree of Celcius, prepare brass of segiempat size measure 20 cm, olesi with and margarine of taburi whole-wheat, casting aside.
2. Shake egg and sugar till flower, including powder cacao and whole-wheat, swirl to flatten, enhancing liquid margarine, swirl to flatten and infuse brass.
3. Grill during 30 minute till mature to lift, to be made cool and cut to pieces.
4. Prepare glass have handle, fill with elementary cake cutting [of] glass, pouring syrup, black cherry and rum, if/when liking black cherry fruit [of] cream jell which have been shaked and compile successive again, cake, cream and cherry, keep in cooler cupboard;locker during 30 minute.
5. Decorate with brown slice cook and red cherry.
To : 6 glass.
Materials :
250 gram of margarine.
125 whole-wheat gram.
500 liquid milk ml.
100 sand sugar gram.
250 brown gram cook " dark" melting.
4 egg yolk.
4 protein, shake stiffly.
Decoration : brown cook " dark", scar sufficiently
Way of making :
1. Heating oven with temperature 175 degree of Celcius, prepare pocket edition heatresistant bowl 8 cm, olesi with margarine, casting aside.
2. Heating margarine, including whole-wheat, swirl to flatten, including liquid milk, sand sugar and ripe cacao which have been melted, swirl to flatten, lift. Enhancing egg yolk, swirl to flatten.
3. Mingle egg dough with protein which have been shaked is stiff, swirl to flatten.
4. Take bowl pour dough and grill during 45 minute till mature, exit of taburi oven with cacao plane down.
5. Present warmness.
To : 12 bowl.
Materials :
7 egg yolk.
200 smooth sand sugar gram.
100 cress oil ml
150 liquid milk ml.
200 whole-wheat gram sieve.
50 brown gram [of] powder sieve.
1 powder baking sdt.
7 protein.
100 smooth sand sugar gram.
1 tartar of cream sdt.
Decoration : brown cook.
Way of making :
1. Heating oven with temperature 180 degree of Celcius. Prepare brass of chiffon form size measure ring 24 cm, pillow with bread paper and wett with water.
2. Mingle egg yolk with sand sugar, swirl to flatten, including cress oil, swirl to flatten to enhance liquid milk swirl to flatten. Including whole-wheat, brown [of] and powder of baking powder, swirl to flatten to cast aside.
3. Shake protein with sand sugar and of cream tartar of till flower and is stiff, including into egg dough, swirl to flatten. Pouring into brass and grill during 45 minute.
4. After maturing, lift to return brass or drape inversed [at] bottle, after heat vapour lose cake will escape by itself, made cool and decorate with ripe cacao.
To : 12 cutting.
Materials :
15 egg yolk.
6 protein.
175 smooth sand sugar gram.
150 whole-wheat gram, sieve.
2 brown sdm [of] powder.
1 brown pasta sdm.
1 powder baking sdt.
150 margarine gram , melting.
Decoration : endue brown cutting or legit cook, sugar syrup, 100 powder cream gram shake by 175 cool milk ml, enhancing cacao nub with cream sufficiently and fresh fruit.
Way of making :
1. Heating oven with temperature 175 degree of Celcius, prepare oval brass [of] size measure 26 cm, olesi with and margarine of taburi with whole-wheat.
2. Shake egg yolk, sand sugar and protein till flower, including whole-wheat, brown [of] powder, brown pasta and powder baking, swirl to flatten. Enhancing liquid margarine, swirl to flatten. Pouring dough into brass.
3. Grill during 45 minute till mature.
4. Solution : crosscut [of] cake level off 3 shares, giving olesan, reorganize and decorate entire/all surface of cake, arrange in layers cake boundary with slice endue legit and decorate with fresh fruit. Keep in cooler cupboard;locker.
5. Cut according to appetite.
To : 16 cutting.
Materials :
6 egg yolk.
3 protein.
175 sand sugar gram.
100 whole-wheat gram.
20 brown gram [of] powder sieve.
1/2 powder baking sdt.
80 gram of margarine lumerkan.
Vlaa :
450 liquid milk ml.
50 cream ml jell.
100 sand sugar gram.
60 flour gram of maizena
1/2 salt sdt.
2 egg yolk.
rhum sufficiently, if/when liking
Taburan : brown [of] powder.
Way of making :
1. Heating oven with temperature 175 degree of Celcius, prepare brass of segiempat 20 cm, olesi with margarine, whole-wheat taburi, casting aside.
2. Bolu : shake egg with soft sand sugar till and paler chromatic. Including whole-wheat, brown [of] and powder of baking powder, swirl to flatten to enhance margarine which have been melted, swirl to flatten to pour into brass.
3. Panggan in oven during 30 minute till mature, lift to be made cool.
4. After chilled to cut to level off to become 2 shares cast aside.
5. Vlaa : liquid milk take a few/little to dissolve maizena and enhance egg yolk, swirl to flatten. Rest of liquid milk mixe with cream jell, sand sugar and salt, swirl to flatten, enhancing condensation of maizena, swirl to flatten, didihkan after jelling, lift.
6. Bolu put again in brass, pouring vla and cover with cutting of bolu and made cool.
7. After chilled to return and brown taburi [of] powder, decorative according to appetite.
To : 12 cutting.
Banana Furl Cacao.
Materials :
8 husk sheet of lumpia
8 matured king banana.
50 brown gram cook, plane down.
sweet heavy cream [of] cacao sufficiently
cheese of chedar scar, sufficiently
oil to fry.
Way of making :
1. Take husk sheet of lumpia, put banana, giving cacao plane down and sweet heavy cream, furl and close.
2. Fry till chocolate, lift.
3. Prepare banana cake saucer fry taburi with cacao melt and cheese of chedar.
To : 8 cutting.
Brown Peppermint.
Materials :
250 brown gram cook " dark" dark chromatic.
250 brown gram cook " white" white chromatic.
50 slice gram of almond, sangrai.
50 gram of hazenut, sangrai.
lemon of oil essence, sufficiently
brown printing;mould [of] form according to appetite
paintbrush to draw.
Way of making :
1. Ripe cacao [of] and dark of white, cut to pieces, including each into heatresistant dish or clean pan.
2. Putting down pan above place of with water, later;then team with fire [is] brown to till melt.
3. Take clean brown printing;mould, pouring solid cacao [there] no its air bubble. Later;Then tank up and keep in freezer during 10 minute till ossify, [releasing].
4. If/When wishing to make with variation [of] two brown type " dark" and " white" use paintbrush draw to nub with cream printing;mould with monochrome, later;then keep during 3 minute in freezer and pour other colour and keep in freezer return till ossify.
5. Way of [releasing], return printing;mould and tap out to desk.
6. Keep cacao in cooler cupboard;locker or refrigerator.
To : 16 - 20 cutting.
Brownies Choco Glazed.
Brownies Choco Glazed.
Materials : 250 brown gram [of] msak " dark"
125 butter gram bargain / margarine.
100 palm sugar gram.
40 sand sugar gram.
2 egg item.
75 whole-wheat gram.
125 bean gram of mete sangrai, chop up harshly.
150 brown gram cook " white", crosscut [of] small dice.
Olesan Choco Glazed :
175 brown gram cook " dark"
50 butter gram bargain.
3 maize syrup sdm or honey.
1/2 sdt copy instant.
Way of making :
1. Heating oven with temperature 175 degree of celcius, prepare brass of the size 20 cm form parallelogram, pillow with bread paper and of olesi margarine cast aside.
2. Heating with small fire, ripe cacao, butter bargain with palm sugar and of ula sand till melt and dissolve sugar, swirl to flatten, lift.
3. Egg input and whole-wheat, swirl to flatten, enhancing bean of mete and cut ripe cacao, swirl to flatten.
4. Pouring into brass and grill during 25 minute.
5. Olesan : Heating with small fire [of] ripe cacao, butter bargain, maize syrup of dn copy instan, ripe till melt and swirl to flatten, lift, eliminating heat vapour. Keep in cupboard;locker of pendingain during 1 [hour/clock].
6. Dab Choco glazed above brownies and cut according to appetite.
To : 16 cutting.
Brown Brownies [of] Keping.
125 butter gram bargain/ margarine.
125 brown gram cook.
200 sand sugar gram.
3 egg item.
150 whole-wheat gram.
180 brown gram [of] keping.
decoration: powder sugar and ripe cacao, melting.
Way of making :
1. Heating oven with temperature 175 degree of celcius, prepare size measure brass 20 cm form segiempat, pillow with and paper of olesi butter / margarine.
2. Butter team bargain brown bersma cook and sand sugar till melt and dissolve sugar, lift.
3. Egg input, swirl to flatten, enhancing whole-wheat swirl to flatten, brown input [of] keping, swirl to flatten
4. Pouring into brass and grill during 35 minute.
5. Decorate with powder sugar and of cokelt ripe, present as friend drink coffee or tea.
To : 16 cutting.
Brown Brownies [of] Bean.
Materials :
150 maize syrup ml.
100 brown gram cook.
50 gram of margarine.
2 egg item.
50 sand sugar gram.
75 whole-wheat gram.
00 bean gram of mete sangrai, chop up harshly.
20 bean of mete fry intactly, for decoration.
Way of making :
1. Heating ove with temperature 175 celcius, brass siakan of the size 20 cm, pillow bread paper and of olesi with magarine, casting aside.
2. Heating maize syrup with ripe cacao and margarine till melt and flatten, lift.
3. Shake to release egg with sand sugar till dissolve sugar, whole-wheat input, swirl to flatten.
4. Mingle brown dough with flour dough. Swirl to flatten, enhancing bean of mete, swirl to flatten, infusing brass.
5. Grill during 35 minute, lift, to be hushed in brass just, arrange bean of mete and depress whilst hot cake.
6. Present as friend drink tea or coffee.
To : 16 cutting.
Fruit With Decorative Cacao.
Materials :
250 gram.
3 goods banana or banana of ambon.
150 gram of strawberry, sufficiently
rough poke of coktail sufficiently
Way of making :
1. Ripe cacao melt.
2. jab or isang of strawberry with rough poke broil and plunge into cacao, lift to smear with colourful cacao, lift and keep in cooler cupboard;locker.
3. After hard cacao present.
To : 5 jabing.
Brown Bowl [of] Ice-Cream.
Materials :
250 brown gram cook, team.
500 ice-cream ml of moka
Decoration : Cream and red cherry or other decoration according to appetite.
Way of making :
1. Prepare small printing;mould for pai, to casting aside.
2. Ripe cacao [is] team till melt, infusing printing;mould and [enter/include] into cooler cupboard;locker hushed till froze up.
3. Presentation, brown bowl [release] from its printing;mould, content by 1 ice-cream skup, decorative with red cherry and cream, immediately present.
Brown Cake [of] Cream.
Materials : Cake.
4 Item egg.
125 sand sugar gr.
100 whole-wheat gr.
1/4 emulsifier cake sdt.
20 brown gr [of] powder.
100 margarine gr, melting.
Coat fill cream :
700 liquid milk ml.
50 cream ml jell.
200 sand sugar gr.
3 brown sdm [of] powder.
100 flour gr of maizena
Rum sufficiently, if/when liking
Flake :
100 brown flaky gr.
150 brown gr cook, melting.
Decoration : fresh fruit.
Way of making :
1. Cake : heating oven with temperature 175 degree of celcius, prepare size measure brass 22 cm, olesi with and magarine of taburi with whole-wheat, casting aside. Shake sugar besama teur, during 7 menut, including whole-wheat, brown [of] powder, swirl to flatten, enhancing margarine which have been melted, swirl to flatten. Infusing oven and grill during 30 minute, lift, to be made cool.
2. Prepare brass unload size measure tide 22 cm, putting down cake into brass and depress, casting aside.
3. Coat fill cream : mix all materials become one, and cook till jell, lift to give a few/little rum, if/when liking and pouring into brass keep in cooler cupboard;locker.
4. Flake: mix [of] brown flaky with ripe cacao, swirl to flatten and pour into cake brass, keep in cooler cupboard;locker.
5. Decorate according to appetite with fresh fruit and present to be chilled.
To: 12 Cutting.
Cacao of Strawberry Ice Cake.
Materials :
5 egg item.
150 sand sugar gram.
140 whole-wheat gram.
20 brown gram [of] powder.
1/2 powder baking sdt.
100 margarine gram melt.
Ice-Cream : 1 ice-cream litre feel stroberi.
Way of making :
1. Heating oven with temperature 175 degree of Celcius, prepare circular brass [of] size measure 20 cm, olesi with margarine, taburi with whole-wheat, casting aside to prepare brass unload size measure tide 20 cm, casting aside.
2. Cake : shake egg with sugar till flower and is soft, including whole-wheat, powder baking and powder cacao, swirl to flatten, enhancing margarine which have been melted, swirl to flatten, infusing brass and grill during 30 minute, matured, lift and made cool.
3. Prepare brass unload tide and arrange in layers interior with aluminiumfoil.
4. Cut cake level off to become 3 shares, participate under putting in brass, pouring semi part of ice-cream, cover with [both/ second] cake cutting, pouring the rest of ice-cream and cover with third cake potonga, closing and cover with aluminiumfoil, keep in freezer at least 3 [hour/clock].
5. Present as [cover/conclusion] dish.
To : 12 cutting.
Choco Swiss Roll.
Materials : bolu.
5 egg yolk.
2 protein.
1 emulsifier/ovalet/tbm cake sdt.
100 sand sugar gram.
80 whole-wheat gram.
100 margarine gram, melting.
1/2 powder baking sdt.
brown pasta sufficiently
Cream : 100 powder cream gram and 300 chilled liquid milk ml.
150 brown gram [of] pasta to nub with cream bread / ready to buy.
Way of making :
1. Heating oven with temperature 175 degree of Celcius, prepare size measure brass : 33 x cm 22,5 x cm 1,5 cm, olesi with and margarine of taburi whole-wheat, casting aside.
2. Margarine melt, after rather cool mixe with whole-wheat, swirl to flatten.
3. Shake egg with sand sugar and of cake emulsifier till flower and is soft. Including flour dough and margarine, swirl to flatten. Enhancing powder baking and brown pasta, swirl to flatten.
4. Pouring into brass and grill during 15 minute or till mature golden cacao.
5. After maturing hot to whilst return on paper bread and furl with its bread paper.
6. Content : shake powder cream with milk till flower and stiff mixe with setengahj part of brown pasta.
7. Unroll and cake of olesi with brown pasta and furl again, decorative cream [enter/include] into decorative plastic poke with star tube, spraying length above cake till entire/all part of cake closed ice-cream, keep in cooler cupboard;locker.
To : 12 cutting.
Brown Cake Decorate Sugar
Materials :
250 gram of margarin/mentega
125 smooth sand sugar gram.
4 egg yolk.
20 brown gram [of] powder.
300 whole-wheat gra sieve.
Decoration :
1 protein sdm.
1/4 Cream Of tartar sdt.
200 smooth sugar gram.
1 orangeade sdt of nipis.
Way of making :
1. Prepare brass of pipih olesi with margarine, casting aside.
2. Shake Margarine and sand sugar till flower. Including egg in phases at the same time continue [in] shaking till float.
3. Including flour of terigudan brown [of] powder, swirl to flatten.
4. Including dough in appliance printer of pastry, spraying dough space out.
5. Grill dough in oven with temperature 160 degree of celsius during 15. Shortening [is] then made cool.
6. Decoration : shake protein by halves and sugar of Cream Of tartar. Enhancing sugar in phases shake stiff till. including orangeade of nipis, swirl to flatten. Including into poke spray with star tube.
7. If cake have been chilled, spraying of sugar decoration him and hushed till run dry. after ossifying input into stoples.
to : 700 gram.
Choco Cup Cake.
Materials :
5 Item egg.
150 sand sugar gram.
1/4 Sdt emulsifier cake.
140 whole-wheat gram.
25 brown gram [of] powder.
100 gram of margarine, lumerkan.
Decoration :
100 gram.
200 liquid milk ml.
100 brown gram cook, plane down.
or decorate with cacao nub with cream / pasta
Way of making :
1. Heating oven with temperature 175 degree of celcius.
2. Prepare brass of muffin, Paper berry of cup, casting aside.
3. Shake egg with sand sugar, whole-wheat and emulsifier during 7 minute. input of Margarine liquid, swirl to flatten.
4. Pouring dough into paper of cup, grill during 20 minute, lift. Making cool.
5. Decoration : shake powder cream with chilled liquid milk till flower, input into sack;bag spray and make as according to appetite, giving chocolate plane down and keep in cooler cupboard;locker.
6. Present as friend drink coffee or tea.
To : 12.
Moca Cup Cake.
Materials :
6 Egg yolk.
4 Item egg.
150 sand sugar gr.
1/4 emulsifier cake sdt.
160 whole-wheat gr.
1 powder susuk sdt.
100 margarine gr, melting.
pasta of Moca sufficiently
Decoration :
50 brown gr nub with cream / pasta
Way of making :
1. Heating oven with temperature 175 degree of celcius.
2. Prepare brass of Muffin, giving paper of cup, casting aside.
3. Shake egg with sand sugar, emusifier cake, whole-wheat, and milk powder during 7 minute till flower, input of margarine liquid, swirl to flatten, enhancing pasta moka, swirl to flatten, pouring into brass.
4. Grill during 20 minute till mature, lift and made cool.
5. Decoration: brown Input Pasta in decorative and decorative plastic according to appetite.
6. Keep in cooler cupboard;locker.
7. present as friend drink coffee or tea.
To : 12.
Brown Cake.
8 egg yolk.
6 protein.
175 sand sugar gram.
150 whole-wheat gram.
25 brown gram [of] powder.
1/2 powder vanili sdt.
150 margarine gram , melting.
Decoration: brown cutting cook.
Way of making :
1. Prepare " wonder-pan" size measure 24 cm, inner olesi [of] brass with and margarine of taburi wheat, casting aside.
2. Shake egg with sugar till flower and is soft.
3. Including whole-wheat, brown [of] and powder of baking powder, swirl to flatten.
4. Infusing brass and grill during 30 minute with fire [is], till mature, lift.
5. Making cool and decorate with brown cutting cook.
To : 16 cutting.
Chik Sponge Roll.
Materials :
5 egg yolk.
2 protein.
100 sand sugar gram.
1 emulsifier cake sdt.
80 whole-wheat gram.
1/2 powder baking sdt.
100 gram of margarine, melting.
Stuffing :
1 margarine sdm.
3 shallot fang, iris.
50 whole-wheat gram.
250 liquid milk ml.
1 salt sdt, 1 / 4 powder merica sdt and 1 / 2 powder nutmeg sdt.
1 sand sugar sdm.
1/2 matured chicken chest, cut small dice.
2 pea sdm.
1 celery bar, iris and 1 / 2 onion and bar, iris.
Way of making :
1. Heating oven with temperature 175 degree of celcius, prepare brass. olesi with and margarine of taburi with whole-wheat. Casting aside.
2. Content : Heating margarine, shallot tumis till make fragrance, whole-wheat input, swirl to flatten, enhancing liquid milk, salt, merica, nutmeg, and sand sugar, swirl to flatten and cook till jell, enhancing chicken cutting, pea, onion leaf celery.
3. Margarine melt and after rather cool mixe with whole-wheat, swirl to flatten, casting aside.
4. Shake egg with and sugar of cake emulsifier till flower and is soft, dough input of margarine flour and, swirl to flatten, enhancing powder baking, swirl to flatten.
5. Pouring into brass and grill during 15 minute till golden brown chromatic, lift.
6. After maturing hot to whilst return on paper and furl with its bread paper.
7. Unroll content and cake with stuffing and furl again, keep in cooler cupboard;locker.
To : 12 cutting.
Choco Sponge.
Materials :
6 Item egg.
180 sand sugar gram.
1 Sdt emulsifier/tbm/ovalet cake.
110 whole-wheat gram.
2 milk powder sdm.
1/2 powder baking sdt.
150 gram of margarine, melting.
30 brown gram [of] powder.
Olesan : Brown nub with cream and decorative Cream, 250 brown gram cook, melting for the [cover/conclusion] of leaf decoration and cake.
Way of making :
1. Heating temperature denga oven 175 degree of celcius, prepare size measure brass 22 segiempat cm, olesi with and margarine of taburi whole-wheat, casting aside.
2. Shake egg with sand sugar and of emulsifier till flower and is soft. Terogu Masukkantepung, milk powder, and powder baking. confront to flatten to enhance margarine which have been melted [by] da swirl to flatten.
3. Pouring into brass and grill during 30 minute. After maturing to lift and made cool.
4. Cake cut in two shares level off. Olesi with cacao nub with cream and reorganize. cut globularity of da olesi with decorative cream. put in cooler cupboard;locker.
5. Prepare ripe cacao which have been melted, arrange take bath and cake with decorative and ripe cacao with brown leaf. smpan in cooler cupboard;locker.
To : 6 cutting.
Moka Sponge Cake.
Materials :
6 Item egg.
150 sand sugar gram.
1 Sdt emulsifier/tbm/ovalet cake.
150 whole-wheat gram.
2 milk powder sdm.
1/2 powder baking sdt.
pasta of Moka sufficiently
150 gram of margarine, melting.
Olesan and decoration : cream of moka
150 white butter gram.
150 gram of magarine.
100 powder sugar gram.
50 sweet heavy cream ml.
pasta of Moka sufficiently
decoration : Brown cook, melting.
Way of Making :
1. Heating oven with temperature 175 degree of celcius, prepare brass of segiempat size measure 24 cm. olesi with and margarine of taburi whole-wheat. Casting aside.
2. Shake egg with and sugar of emulsifier till float and is soft. Including whole-wheat, milk powder, and powder baking. Swirl to flatten, enhancing pasta of moca sufficiently. Swirl to flatten.
3. Including liquid margarine, swirl to flatten. Pouring into and brass of pangang during 30 minute till mature.
4. After chilled to cut triangularity of olesi with decorative and decorative cream with brown cutting cook.
5. Keep in cooler cupboard;locker.
To : 12 cutting.
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