Materials :
750 gram of tunjang/kikil ox.
2 turmeric leaf sheet.
2 nutmeg seed
4 bar of serai, contusing.
8 orange leaf sheet.
4 ginger cm, contusing.
2 alpine galanga cm, contusing.
300 gram of rebung, flimsy iris braise with coconut water
8 string bean lonjor, cut to pieces.
1 coconut mink litre from 1 coconut item
2 sour [of] kandis.
2 ROYCO flavour sdt of pelezat multipurpose ( feel ox)
4 cooking oil sdm.
Attenuating :
5 big red chilli.
8 shallot fang.
5 garlic fang.
6 walnut item of sangrai.
2 alpine galanga cm.
Complement : onion fry.
Way of making :
1. Ox Tunjang/kikil, cut to pieces and braise with turmeric leaf, nutmeg of serai, orange leaf, nutmeg and ginger till soften, leak.
2. Rebung, flimsy iris and braise with coconut water [so that/ to be] having prima aroma.
3. Heating oil of tumis attenuated flavour till make fragrance, including subvention, turmeric leaf, serai, ginger, coconut mink and acid of kandis and of ROYCO, ripe till gravy jell and is oily, including string bean and rebung, ripe just, lift.
4. Present warmness of taburi with onion fry.
To : 6 people.
Materials :
750 gram of paru which have been braised, cut dice 2 cm.
1,5 coconut mink litre jell from 4 coconut item
200 flavour gram of rendang wet / ready to buy.
1 cutting acid of kandis.
1 alpine galanga cm, contusing.
2 bar of serai, contusing.
4 orange leaf sheet.
4 greeting leaf sheet.
1 turmeric leaf sheet.
1 salt sdt, 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.
2 sweet ketchup sdm [of] BANGO.
1 flavour sdt of pelezat multipurpose
Way of making :
1. Paru which have been braised to cut dice 2 cm.
2. Prepare mix frying pan [of] flavour of rendang, sour [of] kandis, alpine galanga, serai, orange leaf, turmeric and greeting, didihkan.
3. After boiling, including salt, merica, sweet ketchup [of] BANGO and flavour of pelezat multipurpose feel ox, minimizing fire [enter/include] cutting of paru, ripe continue till oily and dry gravy and darker chromatic paru, lift.
4. Present as complement of ketupat.
To : 6 people.
Materials :
1 ox tongue, cleaning and braise to mature.
2 margarine sdm.
7 iris shallot fang.
750 water ml.
8 sweet ketchup sdm.
2 tomato saus sdm.
1 salt sdt and 1 powder peppercorn sdt.
1 nutmeg seed contuse.
7 clove seed and 3 cinnamon cm.
2 tomatm, crosscut according to appetite
Complement : potato fry and vegetable setup.
Way of making :
1. Ox tongue after washed out, plunging in water boil during 2 minute, lift and its husk kerok, wash out again and braise till soften, lift, leak.
2. Heating margarine, shallot tumis till make fragrance, including intact tongue, enhancing sweet ketchup, tomato saus, salt, merica, nutmeg, cinnamon and clove, swirl to flatten, including water and cook till flavour diffuse into gravy and tongue jell.
3. Presentation : crosscut [of] tongue according to appetite, prepare dish arrange potato fry and vegetable setup, put tongue and its its[his].
4. Present warmness.
To : 6 people.
Materials :
1 chicken tail, crosscut 20 shares.
1 salt sdt and 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.
Dyer dough :
2 protein.
6 liquid milk sdm.
Flour coat :
350 whole-wheat gram.
75 sago flour gram.
2 salt sdt, 1 powder merica sdt.
1 ROYCO flavour sdm of pelezat multipurpose feel chicken.
1 powder chilli sdt.
Oil to fry sufficiently
Way of making :
1. Chicken wash out, leak and smear with and salt of merica powder, crumple up and hushed [by] during 15 minute.
2. Dyer : protein mixe with liquid milk, swirl to flatten.
3. Flour coat : mix [of] whole-wheat with sago, salt, merica, ROYCO and powder chilli, swirl to flatten.
4. Heating cooking oil, chicken plunge to egg dough, lift and smear with flour have flavour, crumple up till flour flatten to entire/all chicken shares, and fry till mature chocolate, lift.
5. Present with potato fry and chilli saus of botolan.
To : 4 people.
12 chicken ducky, wash out, leak.
50 gram of kapri.
1 red chilli, flimsy iris manipulate.
500 coconut mink ml from 1 / 2 coconut item
250 coconut mink ml from 1 / 2 coconut item
4 orange leaf sheet, 2 greeting leaf sheet, and 2 bar of serai, contusing 1 sdm irrigate tamarind
8 sdm TASTE BANGO feel beloved.
Cooking oil sufficiently
10 red chilli.
10 shallot item.
6 garlic fang.
2 salt sdt.
1. Heating 2 oil tablespoon, red chilli tumis just, lift.
2. Heating a few/little oil, smooth flavour tumis till make fragrance. Including chicken liver, orange leaf, greeting leaf, serai, and tamarind water. Enhancing watery coconut mink, didihkan.
3. Enhancing coconut mink jell and KETCHUP of BANGO feel beloved, ripe till oily looked to be, including kapri, swirl to flatten, lift.
4. Present as complete pe [of] rice of langgi, taburi with red chilli slice fry.
To: 6 people.
Materials :
1 soybean cake turn yellow, godlyly, cut small dice and fry.
4 chicken's egg item braise to mature and fry.
1 chicken chest braise by 1,5 water litre, 1 onion leaf bar and 1 celery bar after maturing, cut small dice.
Chicken gravy :
2 cooking oil sdm.
5 garlic fang, chop up refinement.
1 broth litre.
1 salt sdt and 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.
2 water sdm.
Complement :
Rissole of prawn : 200 prawn gram attenuate to mingle 1 egg item, 2 flour sdm of maizena, 1 salt sdt and 1 / 4 powder merica sdt 2 onion leaf slice sdm, 2 celery slice sdm, onion fry Sambal and white rice sufficiently
Way of making :
1. Chicken gravy, heating oil of tumis garlic till make fragrance, including into broth, didihkan enhance salt, and merica of ROYCO liquid, after boiling, lift.
2. Rissole of prawn : mix [of] prawn which have been attenuated with egg, maizena, and salt of merica powder, print spoon, fry till mature, lift and iris.
3. Prepare bowl fill with rice, giving chicken cutting stuffing, godly soybean cake fry, rissole of prawn, egg cutting, pouring its gravy, taburi with onion leaf, onion and celery fry.
4. Present warmness with sambal braise.
To : 8 people.
Materials :
2 boneless chicken chest, cut two contusing.
cooking oil sufficiently
Flour coat :
150 whole-wheat gram.
1 chicken's egg item.
50 water ml.
1/2 salt sdt, 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.
1 ROYCO flavour sdt of pelezat multipurpose feel chicken.
1/2 powder baking sdt.
Butter Saus :
2 margarine sdm.
1/2 leek, iris.
2 garlic fang, contusing.
3 sweet ketchup sdm.
1 sdm taste inggris.
50 water ml.
1/2 ROYCO flavour sdt of pelezat multipurpose feel chicken.
3 congelation pea sdm.
Complement : potato fry.
Way of making :
1. Flour coat : mix [of] whole-wheat with egg, water, salt, and merica of ROYCO and of baking powder, swirl to flatten.
2. Heating oil, chicken after contused, plunging into flour coat, lift and fry till chocolate, lift.
3. Saus : heating oil and margarine of[is rest of frying 2 sdm, leek tumis and garlic till make fragrance, including sweet ketchup, inggris saus, and water of ROYCO and of didihkan. After boiling to enhance pea, ripe just and lift.
4. Prepare dish arrange chicken, cut to pieces, pouring saus of him, provide with potato fry.
5. Present warmness.
To : 4 people.
Materials :
saus 3 feeling
3 sdm taste fish.
6 sdm irrigate acid concentrated.
5 demerara sdm, comb.
mi fry :
2 cooking oil sdm.
1 godly soybean cake, saw up.
3 garlic fang, chop up.
200 prawn gram, throw away husk leave over its tail, split its back 50 dry prawn gram / small shrimp chop up.
300 gram of kwetiau Bangkok.
100 water ml.
50 peanut gram, sangrai, chop up.
2 powder chilli sdt.
50 gram of taoge, mow to wash out.
50 chive gram, crosscut 3 cm.
2 liquid ROYCO sdm.
Way of making :
1. Saus : 3 feeling : 50 tamarind gram mixe with 8 water sdm, crumple up and filter, enhancing fish ketchup and demerara, ripe till boil and dissolve sugar, lift.
2. Heating cooking oil, including soybean cake, swirl to flatten, enhancing garlic and cook till make fragrance.
3. Including prawn, ripe till prawn turn colour, including water and kwetiau, ripe till soft kwetiau.
4. Including saus 3 feeling, bean, small shrimp, powder chilli and of ROYCO liquid, swirl to flatten, enhancing and chive of taoge, ripe just, lift.
5. Present warmness.
To : 3 people.
Materials :
1 1/4 water litre.
1 ROYCO flavour sdm of pelezat multipurpose feel chicken.
2,5 alpine galanga cm, iris and contuse.
3 bar of serai, iris manipulate white shares [of] just him
2 bar grow on coriander leaf, crosscut contuse.
5 orange leaf sheet of purut, eliminating hard leaf bone, and tear 15=20 cayenne, contusing.
600 prawn gram, pare and split its back
250 gram of cumi, crosscut according to appetite
300 fresh mushroom gram, cut to pieces.
7 sdm taste fish.
5 orangeade sdm of nipis.
Taburan : 2 coriander leaf bar.
Way of making :
1. Water Didihkan, enhancing ROYCO, enhancing alpine galanga, serai, coriander leaf root, orange leaf of purut, and cayenne, enhancing prawn, mushroom cutting and cumi.
2. After boiling again [enter/include] fish ketchup, swirl to flatten, enhancing water, coriander leaf and lime.
3. Present warmness.
To : 4 people.
Materials :
250 gram of mi wet egg.
2 sheet of kol.
1 onion leaf bar, iris.
1 celery bar, iris.
2 chicken's egg item, shake to release.
2 cooking oil sdm.
500 water ml.
1 ROYCO powder broth sdm feel chicken.
Attenuating :
5 walnut item of sangrai.
5 garlic fang.
1 small shrimp prawn sdm.
1/2 salt sdm and 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.
Complement : chicken fry suwir, onion fry and cucumber piccalilli and cayenne and crisply.
Way of making :
1. Heating cooking oil of tumis attenuated flavour till make fragrance, including egg, make orak-arik, enhancing water of didihkan after boiling to [enter/include] kol, onion leaf slice and and mi of ROYCO, ripe till matured vegetable.
2. Put in bowl, giving chicken fry onion and suwir fry. Present warmness with cayenne cucumber piccalilli.
To : 2 people.
Materials :
1 chicken tail, crosscut 20 shares.
1 orangeade sdm of nipis and 1 / 2 salt sdt.
3 cooking oil sdm.
1 coconut mink litre from 1 coconut item
500 coconut mink ml jell from 1 coconut item
2 greeting leaf sheet.
2 alpine galanga cm.
3 orange leaf sheet.
250 young jackfruit gram, cut to pieces to braise to mature.
5 string bean lonjor, cut to pieces.
3 sheet of kol iris.
2 sdm irrigate tamarind
1 flavour sdm of pelezat all purppose feel chicken.
Attenuating :
5 big red chilli.
8 shallot.
5 garlic fang.
1 salt sdt and 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.
1 sand sugar sdt.
Way of making :
1. Chicken wash out, smear with orangeade of nipis salt and, hushed just, wash out again and leak.
2. Heating cooking oil, smooth flavour till make fragrance, including chicken, greeting, alpine galanga and orange leaf, ripe till chicken turn colour, including watery coconut mink, cook till matured chicken and gravy dwindle, enhancing young jackfruit, string bean, kol, coconut mink jell and flavour of pelezat all purppose feel chicken, ripe just lift.
3. Present with rice.
To : 6 people.
Materials :
1 heavy chicken tail 900 gram, crosscut 4 shares.
2 orangeade sdm of nipis and 1 salt sdt.
6 bar of serai contuse.
3 orange leaf sheet.
3 ginger cm contuse.
3 sdm irrigate condensed tamarind.
10 sweet ketchup sdm [of] BANGO.
200 water ml.
2 cooking oil sdm.
150 chilli gram mill.
Attenuating :
5 shallot fang.
3 garlic fang.
1 coriander sdm of sangrai.
1 dill sdt of sangrai.
Complement : sambal plough and vegetable fresh vegetable.
Way of making :
1. Chicken wash out, smear with orangeade of nipis salt and, hushed just, wash out again and leak.
2. Heating oil, chilli tumis mill and smooth flavour till make fragrance, including chicken, serai, orange leaf and ginger, ripe till chicken turn colour, including sweet ketchup [of] BANGO and water, ripe till soft chicken and gravy jell, lift.
3. Grill chicken above or ember of oven till run dry, lift.
4. Present warmness with white rice and vegetable fresh vegetable.
To : 4 people.
Materials :
2 oil sdm fry / oil of samin.
1 leek, cut to pieces.
500 white rice gram.
5 turmeric cm, scar or 1 powder turmeric sdt.
1 crosscut chicken tail 20 shares.
3 carrot bar, crosscut [of] dice.
5 cinnamon cm.
1 nutmeg seed contuse.
2 sensitive seed
3 bar of serai contuse.
5 ginger cm contuse.
1 hot water litre.
1 ROYCO flavour sdm of pelezat feel chicken.
Attenuating :
5 garlic fang.
1 coriander sdm.
1 dill sdt.
3 of kapolaga
2 salt sdt and 1 item merica sdt.
Taburan : onion fry.
Way of making :
1. Rice soak to mixe with turmeric grat and hushed [by] during 15 minute, wash out and leak.
2. Heating cooking oil, flavour tumis which [is] dihaluska with leek till make fragrance, including chicken, carrot, cinnamon, sensitive, cook till turn colour.
3. Including rice, swirl to flatten, enhancing hot water, ROYCO and cook till become rice of aron.
4. Steam during 30 minute till mature, lift.
5. Present warmness of taburi with onion fry.
To : 8 people.
Materials :
500 beef gram of has in, cutting 2x1 cm.
1/2 middle aged coconut item, long scar [of] sangrai, attenuating 8 sweet ketchup sdm [of] BANGO.
Attenuating :
3 big red chilli.
8 shallot item.
3 garlic fang.
1 coriander sdm of sangrai.
1 dill sdt of sangrai.
1 jawa asem sdm
1 salt sdt and 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.
3 cooking oil sdm.
Way of making :
1. Mingle smooth flavour with coconut of sangrai smooth, sweet ketchup [of] BANGO and cooking oil, swirl to flatten.
2. Including steak, swirl to flatten and hushed [by] during 30 minute.
3. Take sate rough poke, jab 4-5 cutting flesh.
4. Grill above ember till mature.
5. Present as complement of Rice Turn yellow Komplit.
To : 8 people.
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