Crab flesh 500 gr.
Prawn pare 500 gr.
Young mango 1000 gr.
Asparagus 1000 gr.
Red Paprika 300 gr.
Coconut grat 150 gr.
Black mushroom 150 gr.
Coriander leaf 50 gr.
Red parsnip 2 singk.
Chive leaf 50 gr.
Rice 1 singk.
Onion leaf 50 gr.
mango of Pure 100 ml.
Tomato Saus 100 ml.
Hainan Sampal 50 ml.
Juice Lime 50 ml.
Egg 5.
1. Cook rice till mature, later;then cook to become mushroom fried rice.
2. Pare red parsnip, later;then become long spiral by using special appliance, fry to become crate form.
3. Putting down fried rice into parsnip crate.
4. Chop up crab flesh and prawn. Mixing with coconut, scar mango, coriander leaf, mushroom of shitake and flavour with salt, merica, oyster saus, sesame oil, garlic and ginger.
5. globularity of Pipih later;then grill till mature.
6. Putting down 3 above saucer.
7. Pouring water, mango of pure, tomato saus, sugar, juice lime and salt later;then [enter/include] red paprika, asparagus, young mango and onion.
8. Pouring saus above saucer compile, mango, crate rice and rissole, dish [is] ready to presented.
Materials :
2 odorous mango [of] beloved pare to be cut [by] dice.
200 cut [by] matured papaw gr [of] dice.
60 cut [by] red paprika gr [of] dice.
100 pea gr which have matured.
200 prawn gr of pancet braised and throw away its husk
50 cut [by] green paprika gr [of] dice.
100 mayonnaise nelley gr or 3 tablespoon.
1 salt teaspoon.
3 lemon orange extort and take its water
Mixing all materials which have been prepared to swirl with mayonnaise till flatten and ready for served.
Dish of Ramadhan-Lumpia Fry Seafood.
Materials :
20 husk sheet of lumpia ready to buy.
Content :
2 magarine sdm.
2 garlic fang, chop up.
150 prawn gr chop up.
150 cumi gr, slice with match form.
1 oyster saus sdm.
1 salt sdt.
1/2 powder merica sdt.
1 sand sugar sdm.
2 flavour sdt of penyedap feel all purppose feel chicken.
1 sesame oil sdt.
1 flour sdm of maizena, dissolving meagrely irrigate.
oil to fry.
Way of making :
1. Heating magarine, garlic tumis till make fragrance, including prawn, cumi, and last crab flesh cook till prawn turn colour. Enhancing oyster saus, salt, powder merica, sand sugar, flavour of penyedap feel completely sesame oil gunadan, swirl flatten. Coagulating with maizena, ripe just, lift.
2. Abil one husk sheet of lumpia, unfolding content with stuffing by 1 stuffing sdm, furl envelope form.
3. Fry in golden rust colored hot oil till, lift. Present with botolan sambal.
To : 6 People.
3 tomato, blender.
2 margarine sdm.
1 leek, cut to pieces.
3 garlic fang, chop up.
2 greeting leaf sheet.
1 water litre.
2 carrot bar, crosscut [of] small dice.
2 potato, pare to cut small dice.
300 prawn gram [is], paring to leave over its tail
300 green cockle gram.
300 white cockle gram.
250 fish flesh gram of kakap.
1 salt sdt, 1 powder merica sdt.
1 sand sugar sdm.
Taburan : peterseli chop up.
1. Heating margarine, leek tumis and garlic till make fragrance, including leaf greet and water, didihkan.
2. Including potato and carrot, ripe till mature.
3. Including prawn, green cockle, white cockle, kakap, salt, sand sugar and merica, ripe till mature, enhancing tomato which have been attenuated, swirl to flatten, cook just, lift.
4. Present warmness, taburi with peterseli chop up.
To : 6 people.
250 gram of spaghetti.
Gravy :
2 cooking oil sdm.
2 bar of serai, contusing.
6 orange leaf sheet.
4 ginger cm contuse.
750 coconut mink ml from 1 coconut item
1 bar of kecombrang, iris.
200 prawn gram [is].
200 flesh gram of kakap, crosscut [of] dice.
250 gram of cumi, crosscut [of] ring form.
200 fresh clasp mushroom gram, cut in two
1 salt sdt and 1 powder merica sdt.
2 sdm taste fish.
2 orangeade sdm of nipis.
50 flavour gram of kare wet.
Attenuating :
8 big red chilli.
6 shallot fang.
4 garlic fang.
Complement : coriander leaf.
1. Spaghetti braise to mature, lift, leak.
2. Heating oil, smooth flavour tumis till make fragrance, including flavour of kare, serai, orange leaf and ginger, swirl to flatten. Including coconut mink and of didihkan.
3. Including kecombrang, prawn, and cumi of kakap ripe till mature, enhancing clasp mushroom, salt, fish ketchup and orangeade of nipis. Lift.
4. Prepare bowl, put kwetiau, pouring gravy and [his/its] stuffing, giving coriander leaf, present warmness.
Elementary materials 1 :
10 Egg quill pcs braise.
15 King prawn pcs.
100 Seafood gr mill.
75 Culry endip gr.
75 Water cress gr.
75 Carrot gr.
100 Kyuri gr.
75 Yellow paprika gr
100 Red chili gr.
Elementary Materials 2 ( Dressing) :
100 Pangko gr ( Bread Crumb)
1 Egg pcs.
75 Flour gr.
500 Oil ml.
Way of Making :
- Mixing seafood mill with salt and peppercorn.
- Swirl till flatten
- Then print one by one dough with globularity and [enter/include] adjoining quill egg - Shake last egg [enter/include] quill egg which have been smeared [by] seafood into egg agitation [is] later;then overthrown [by] above last bread flour plunge again into egg agitation and overthrow again with pangko ( bread flour - Heating last cooking oil fry the the dough till brown chromatic.
- Decorate cress materials and put down adjoining quill egg then digarnish with chive.
- Ready to present.
Seafood Hormok.
10 red chilli run dry, throw away its seed, soak till soften 3 fresh red chilli.
6 shallot item,
3 garlic fang.
1 alpine galanga cm, 1 bar of serai white shares [of] him
2 peel rasp sdt of purut.
2 sdm grow on coriander leaf and 5 key meeting cm.
1 matured terasi sdt.
1 salt sdt and 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.
100 leaf gram of kemangi.
150 fish gram of tenggiri, attenuating.
500 coconut mink ml jell.
1 egg item.
2 fish saus sdm.
100 fish gram of kakap, crosscut [of] dice.
100 gram of cumi, crosscut [of] ring form.
100 green cockle gram.
100 flesh gram of rajungan.
Taburan: 2 big red chilli ( iris), 3 coriander leaf bar, 2 orange leaf sheet ( iris).
[Cover/Conclusion] Saus: 125 coconut mink ml jell, 1 / 2 salt sdt, and 2 rice powder sdt, ripe till jell.
1. Prepare banana leaf, circular crosscut [of] size measure 7,5 cm, bowl form.
2. Mingle fish of tenggiri with smooth flavour, swirl to flatten. Including coconut mink, egg, and fish saus, swirl to flatten. Including cumi, green cockle, and flesh of rajungan, swirl to flatten.
3. Prepare banana leaf bowl, fill with leaf of kemangi, pouring dough fill 3 / 4 full (of), steaming during 10 minute.
4. [Cover/Conclusion] Saus: ripe all materials till jell, lift. Pouring above cookery, taburi with red chilli slice, coriander leaf, and orange leaf. Steam again during 1 minute, lift.
To: 10 mug.
Pizza Seafood.
Materials :
Base: 500 whole-wheat grm, sieve.
1 yeast sdt of instant.
2 sand sugar sdm.
1/2 salt sdt.
200 sand sugar ml.
50 cress oil ml
Saus/Asta tomato Olesan :
2 olive sdm.
5 bombay baeang sdm, chop up.
3 tomato pasta sdm.
8 tomato saus sdm.
6 fresh tomato, throw away its seed and chop up harshly.
1 salt sdt, 1 / 2 powder merica sdt, 1 sand sugar sdm.
1 powder oregano sdt and 1 powder bacillus leaf sdt.
50 water ml.
Taburan :
140 matured tuna gram.
100 prawn gram pare, tumis just.
200 gram of cumi, crosscut [of] form chop up, tumis just.
50 clasp mushroom gram.
2 fresh tomato, iris,
1 green paprika, 1 red paprika.
1/4 of nena, fan form iris.
3 cherry tomato.
50 cheese gram of mozarella, scar and 50 gram of kecu cheddar, pasrut.
Way of making :
1. Making base : Mix [of] wheat with yeast of instant, sand sugar, salt. aduka flatten. water input, uleni, enhancing cress oil and continue proof uleni till, hushed [by] during 30 minute.
2. Olesan : heating margarine, leek tumis and garlic till make fragrance. tomato pasta input, tomato saus, tomato, salt, powder merica, sand sugar, powder oregano, water and bacillus. ripe till boil and jell, lift.
3. Solution: adOnan pipihkan till as thick as 1 cm, put in brass of pizza size measure 26 cm, olesi with saus olesan, taburi with cheddar, tuna, prawn, mushroom cumi, tomato, paprika of nenas, cherry tomato, and cheese of mozarella, grill in oven with temperature 175 celcius derajt during 30 minute or till mature.
To : 6 people.
2 tail of bandeng ( 400 gram), crosscut 3 shares.
2 orangeade sdm of nipis and 1 / 2 salt sdt.
oil to fry.
2 cucumber, throw away its seed, cut match form.
2 carrot, pare, cut match form.
15 shallot item, pare.
3 big red chilli.
20 red cayenne.
2 bar of serai, contusing.
5 orange leaf sheet.
250 water ml.
2 ripe vinegar sdm.
1/2 salt sdt and 1 / 4 powder merica sdt.
2 powder broth sdt of instan feel chicken.
3 shallot item.
3 garlic fang.
5 walnut item of sangrai.
6 turmeric cm, burn.
1 sand sugar sdm.
1. Mow bandeng, wash out then smear with orangeade of nipis salt and, hushed [by] during 10 minute.
2. Heating oil, fry bandeng till mature, lift, casting aside.
3. Heating a few/little oil, smooth flavour tumis till make fragrance, including serai, orange leaf, water, ripe vinegar, salt, and powder merica, didihkan.
4. After boiling and absorbent gravy, including carrot, cucumber, red chilli, cayenne, shallot, and powder broth of instan feel chicken, ripe just. Including bandeng fry, swirl to flatten, lift.
5. Present warmness with white rice.
To: 4 people.
1 tail of bandeng pindang ( heavy 800 gram), crosscut 3 shares.
2 cooking oil sdm.
2 onion leaf bar, cut to pieces.
3 big green chilli, cut according to appetite
3 big red chilli, cut according to appetite
6 of belimbing vegetable, crosscut according to appetite
3 orange leaf sheet.
2 bar of serai, contusing.
5 key cm, contusing.
2 alpine galanga cm, contusing.
2 ginger cm, contusing.
500 water ml.
50 sweet ketchup ml.
3 shallot item.
3 garlic fang.
1/2 salt sdt.
3 turmeric cm, burn.
1. Heating oil, smooth flavour tumis till make fragrance, including onion leaf, swirl to flatten. Enhancing red chilli, green chilli, orange leaf, serai, key, alpine galanga, and ginger, swirl to flatten.
2. Including sweet ketchup and water, didihkan.
3. Including bandeng, tomato, and vegetable belimbing, ripe just and lift. Present warmness.
To: 4 people.
1 tail of bandeng smoke, take its flesh, suwir-suwir.
1 fastening cress leaf
3 carrot, pare, cut small dice, braise to mature.
150 chickpea gram, cut to pieces, then braise to mature.
2 potato, steam to mature, cut small dice.
2 green apple, pare, cut small dice.
3 egg item, braise to mature.
1 margarine sdm, melting.
100 mayonnaise gram.
3 sweet heavy cream sdm.
2 orangeade sdm of nipis.
complement: fresh tomato and peterseli.
1. Saus: braise last egg dissociate to turn yellow and turn white him. Last egg yolk attenuate. Including liquid margarine, swirl to flatten. Enhancing mayonnaise, sweet heavy cream, and orangeade of nipis, swirl to flatten. Keep in cooler cupboard;locker just.
2. Mingle carrot, chickpea, and potato. Enhancing green apple cutting and its its[his], swirl to flatten. Including bandeng suwiran, swirl to flatten. Keep in cooler cupboard;locker.
3. Prepare dish, arrange cress leaf, decorative with tomato, protein slice, and parsley. Present to be chilled.
To: 6 people.
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