Materials :
Base :
500 whole-wheat gram, sieve 1 yeast sdt of instant 2 sand sugar sdm 1 / 2 salt sdt 200 ml irrigate 50 of ml its it[him] cress
Content :
1 margarine sdm 3 leek sdm, chop up 5 garlic fang, chop up 3 tomato pasta sdm 8 tomato saus sdm 1 salt sdt, 1 / 2 powder merica sdt, 1 sand sugar sdm 1 oreganobubuk sdt 2 smoked meat sheet, iris 50 mushroom gram latch 2 ox sausage 1 of tomatsegar, iris 1 green paprika 50 cheese gram of cheddar, scar.
Way of making :
1. Base: mix [of] wheat with yeast of instant, sand sugar, salt swirl to flatten, including water, uleni, enhancing cress oil and continue proof uleni till, hushed [by] during 30 minute.
2. Content: heating magarin, leek tumis and garlic till make fragrance, tomato pasta input, tomato saus, salt, powder merica, sand sugar , powder oregano, ripe just, lift.
3. Solution : dough pipihkan till as thick as 0,5 cm, date in brass of pizza size measure 22 cm, fill semi part of dough with stuffing of saus, taburi with smoked meat, sausage, clasp mushroom, tomato, cheese and paprika of Cheddar. fold like pie, grill in oven with temperature 175 celcius derajt during 30 minute or till mature.
to : 6 people.
Farfalle Brocolli of Saus Cheese.
Materials :
250 gram of Farfalle or pasta form ribbon braise to mature 200 brocolli gram, pontong menurut its[his] [him/it] 3 ox sausage bar, crosscut manipulate.
Saus :
1 butter sdm 1 leek, chop up 2 whole-wheat sdm 500 liquid milk ml 50 gratin gram 1 salt sdt and 1 / 2 powder merica sdt 2 broth sdt of instant feel chicken.
Taburan :
1 peterseli sdm chop up.
Way of making :
1. Braise farfalle till mature, leak.
2. Wash out brocolli, leak.
3. Heating butter, leek tumis till make fragrance. Whole-Wheat input, enhancing liquid milk, cheese, and salt of merica powder, swirl to flatten. enhancing broth of instan feel ox sausage and chicken, swirl to flatten.
4. input of Farfalle, swirl to flatten. Lift.
5. Prepare dish, peterseli taburi chop up, present warmness.
To : 4 people.
Red Fettucini Saus Tomato Bean.
250 gram of fettucini, braise to mature 250 red bean gram, braise to mature 1 peterseli sdm chop up.
1 margarine sdm 1 leek, iris 5 garlic fang, chop up 250 beef gram of has in, iris form match 50 gram of saus tomato 3 sweet Ketchup sdm 1 salt sdt and 1 / 2 powder merica sdt 3 chilli saus sdm of botolan 150 red bean gram mature 1 green paprika, cut according to appetite of Taburan: 1 peterseli sdm chop up.
1. Heating margarine, leek tumis and garlic till make fragrance, including flesh slice, ripe till turn colour.
2. Including tomato saus, sweet ketchup, salt, merica, chilli saus, red bean, cook till flavour flatten.
3. Prepare dish, put matured fettucini, pouring last him [him/ it] [of] taburi with peterseli chop up.
4. Present warmness.
To: 4 people.
Chicken Enchiladas.
Chicken grill:
1 chicken tail, crosscut 2 shares, last grill 2 cooking oil sdm, 6 sdm taste BANGO feel beloved, 2 honey sdm.
2 olive sdm 1 leek, chop up 3 garlic fang, chop up 3 big red chilli 3 big green chilli 200 broth ml 500 tomato gram, blender, last braise till jell 1 salt sdt and 1 / 2 powder merica sdt 6 of tortilla, heating 150 cheese gram of cheddar, scar.
1. Chicken grill: make chicken immersion, mix [of] cooking oil, taste BANGO feel beloved, and honey, hushed [by] during 15 minute. Grill chicken till mature, suwir-suwir.
2. Throw away red chilli seed and green chilli, then chop up.
3. Saus: heating oil, leek tumis and garlic till make fragrance. Including chilli chop up, broth, tomato of pure, salt, and powder merica, ripe till jell, lift.
4. Prepare heatresistant dish, take tortilla, fill with chicken suwiran grill and cheese, last furled. Pouring saus above tortilla, last cheese taburi grill during 20 minute, lift. Present.
To: 4 people.
Chicken Fajitas.
2 boneless chicken chest, cut according to appetite 50 olive ml 2 orangeade sdm of nipis 5 garlic fang, chop up 1 leek, iris 1 salt sdt and 1 / 2 powder merica sdt 3 big red chilli, cut to manipulate 1 red paprika, iris form match 6 of tortilla
Tomato salsa Saus:
8 fresh tomato 1 dill sdt 1 olive sdm 1 leek, chop up 3 garlic fang, chop up 1 ROYCO sdt feel chicken 50 ml irrigate 2 vinegar wine sdm / out of job vinegar 1 salt sdt, 1 / 2 powder merica sdt 1 tomato pasta sdm.
Olesan: attenuated advocate and yoghurt / to be sliced.
1. Smear chicken flesh with olive, orangeade of nipis, leek, and garlic, hushed [by] during 30 minute, casting aside.
2. Tomato salsa Saus: plunging fresh tomato in hot water just, later;then pack into ice water and throw away its seed, then cut dice, casting aside. Heating frying pan, including dill till aroma. Including olive, leek tumis and garlic till make fragrance, enhancing ROYCO feel chicken, merica, salt, and water, tomato pasta, and tomato cutting, use small fire. Cook till jell.
3. Heating olive, including chicken with its immersion, enhancing and salt of merica powder, ripe till mature. Including red chilli, red paprika, and paprika turn yellow, cook just, lift.
4. Presentation: put tortilla which have been heated in dish, olesi with yoghurt, last arrange chicken and advocate. Later;Then furl, present with salsa tomato saus.
To: 8 portion.
Special Beef Roll.
Materials :
Husk : Semi dough of puff content pastry :
500 beef gram chop up 1 leek chop up 2 bread flour sdm 1 egg item 2 salt sdt and 1 / 2 powder merica sdt 1 powder broth sdt feel ox 1 powder nutmeg sdt 4 egg item braise to mature 4 ox sausage of Olesan : Egg yolk shake with water sdt.
Way of making :
1. Heating oven with temperature 180 degree of celsius.
2. Content : mix [of] beef with leek, bread tepunf, egg, salt, merica, sweet ketchup, powder broth, and powder nutmeg, swirl to flatten.
3. Solution : Pipihkan Dough thickly 0,5 cm. crosscut widely 15 cm, long 20 cm. Fill with dough sufficiently, enhancing, arrange sausage of da egg. Compile two [is] same dough of the size. put in brass which have nub with cream meagrely margarine.
4. Dough Olesi with egg yolk and hushed [by] during 15 minute.
5. Grill during 20 minute till mature golden chocolate. lift.
To : 4.
Sour Ceker Chicken [of] Beloved.
16 chicken ceker, wash out, cut to pieces 150 clasp mushroom gr, iris 1 litre irrigate 6 big red chilli, cut to pieces 8 big green chilli, cut to pieces 10 red cayenne 2 bar of serai, contusing 2 alpine galanga cm, contusing 3 leaf sheet greet 5 orange leaf sheet 2 fresh tomato 5 sweet ketchup sdm 1 salt sdt, 1 / 2 powder merica sdt 1 broth sdt of instan feel chicken.
10 shallot item 5 garlic fang 1 / 2 matured terasi sdt.
Taburan: Leaf of Kemangi sufficiently
1. Heating oil, smooth flavour tumis, red chilli, green chilli, alpine galanga, greeting leaf, and orange leaf till make fragrance.
2. Including chicken ceker, sweet ketchup, salt, merica, and water, ripe till soft ceker.
3. Including Broth of instan feel chicken, mushroom, tomato cutting, and kemangi, ripe [of] sebentar,angkat.
4. Present warmness with white rice.
To: 4 people.
Flesh Slice Cah Vegetable.
200 beef gr of has in, crosscut iris [of] fibre 1 protein 3 sago flour sdm 3 cooking oil sdm 3 garlic fang, chop up harsh 2 ginger cm, iris 2 oyster saus sdm 1 sweet ketchup sdm 1 salt sdt and 1 / 2 powder merica sdt 100 ml irrigate 1 fastening bokcoy, iris 2 big celery bar, crosscut.
1. Plunging beef slice into protein, last smear with sago flour, casting aside.
2. Heating cooking oil, garlic tumis and ginger until wilting, including flesh and fry till mature.
3. Including water, oyster saus, sweet ketchup, salt, and merica, swirl to flatten. Cook until soft flesh.
4. Enhancing celery bar and bokcoy, ripe just, lift. Present warmness.
To: 4 people.
Flesh of Iiris Ripe [of] Black Peppercorn.
300 beef gram of has in, cutting according to appetite 1 salt sdt, 1 / 2 powder merica sdt 2 flour sdm of maizena
2 cooking oil sdm 1 / 2 leek, porong-potong 2 ginger cm, contusing 3 oyster saus sdm 2 tomato saus sdm 2 tausi sdm 3 sdm TASTE BANGO feel beloved 1 green paprika, cut to pieces 1 red paprika, cut to pieces 2 carrot bar, iris manipulate 50 ml irrigate 2 black merica sdm [of] item, contusing.
1. Smear beef with salt, merica, and flour of maizena, hushed [by] during 15 minute.
2. Heating cooking oil, leek tumis till make fragrance. Including ginger, beef, oyster saus, tausi, tomato saus, and KETCHUP of BANGO feel beloved, ripe till matured flesh.
3. Including green paprika, red, carrot, and water, ripe till matured vegetable, enhancing black merica, swirl to flatten, lift.
4. Present warmness with white rice.
To: 4 people.
Ripe Beef [of] Saus Oyster.
500 beef gr of has in, crosscut iris [of] fibre 2 cooking oil sdm 1 sesame oil sdt 5 garlic fang, chop up 1 leek, iris 2 onion leaf bar, iris manipulate 1 oyster saus sdm 2 sweet Ketchup sdm.
2 briny ketchup sdm 1 / 2 powder baking sdt 1 sand sugar sdt 1 powder broth sdt feel ox 2 sago flour sdm.
Complement: coriander leaf.
1. Immersion: mix all materials Grow into one, smear flesh with flavour till flatten, to be hushed [by] during 15 minute.
2. Heating a few/little oil of[is rest of frying with sesame oil, garlic tumis and leek till make fragrance. Including flesh with its immersion, oyster saus, and sweet Ketchup. Enhancing onion leaf, ripe till soft flesh, lift.
3. Present warmness with white rice.
To: 4 people.
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