Materials :
750 flesh gram stumble over myopia.
3 ginger cm, contusing.
3 bar of serai, contusing.
3 orange leaf sheet.
3 sweet taoco sdm.
2 sweet ketchup sdm.
1,5 water litre.
Attenuating :
6 big red chilli.
8 shallot.
6 garlic fang.
2 salt sdt and 1 item merica sdt.
3 turmeric cm burn.
Complement : onion fry, celery slice, egg braise and chips emping fry, orangeade of nipis.
Way of making :
1. Braise flesh with ginger, orange leaf serai till soften, lift to cut according to appetite, casting aside.
2. Heating a few/little oil, attenuated flavour tumis, flesh cutting of taoco sweet ketchup and, swirl to flatten, reentering into broth and cook just, lift.
3. Prepare bowl fill with soto provide with egg slice braise, onion fry, celery slice and chips emping fry.
4. Present warmness.
To : 6 people.
500 beef gr.
1 cutting bone of sengkel ox.
2 water litre.
2 greeting leaf sheet.
3 orange leaf sheet.
2 bar of serai, contusing.
2 flavour sdm of soto wet field ready for use.
1 powder broth sdt feel ox.
8 shallot item.
5 garlic fang.
1 item merica sdt.
2 salt sdt.
2 ginger cm.
2 alpine galanga cm.
3 turmeric cm, burn.
3 cooking oil sdm.
100 soun gr, soak till soften, leak.
Rissole of potato, sambal braise, celery slice, onion leaf, and onion fry Paru fry to run dry and red crisply.
White rice.
1. Braise bone and beef of sengkel till soften, lift its flesh and leak.
2. Heating oil, smooth flavour tumis with greeting leaf, orange leaf, and flavour ready for use make fragrance. Including into broth, didihkan 3. Enhancing powder broth, swirl to flatten, lift.
3. Fry beef intactly until cacao, lift, then cut dice, casting aside.
4. Presentation: prepare bowl, fill with soun, flesh cutting or of paru fry, and rissole. Pouring its gravy, taburi with onion fry, celery, onion leaf, and red crisply. Provide with sambal braise.
5. Present warmness.
To: 6 people.
Materials :
6 chicken's egg item braise to mature.
3 potato pare to cut according to appetite
6 white soybean cake [of] size measure 6 cm.
2 cooking oil sdm.
6 clove item, 3 sweet bark cm, 1 / 2 nutmeg seed contuse 10 sweet ketchup sdm.
750 water ml.
Attenuating :
7 garlic fang.
2 garlic fang, 1 salt sdt and 1 / 2 powder merica.
Way of making :
1. Heating cooking oil, smooth flavour tumis till make fragrance, including water, sweet ketchup, clove, nutmeg and cinnamon of didihkan.
2. Including potato, soybean cake, egg, ripe till gravy dwindle and dark chromatic, lift.
Materials :
2 cooking oil sdm.
150 beef gram cut to pieces.
3 leaf sheet greet and 3 alpine galanga cm, contusing.
500 watery coconut mink ml from 1 / 2 coconut item
250 coconut mink ml jell from 1 / 2 coconut item
2 crosscut carrot bar according to appetite
3 crosscut potato according to appetite
10 crosscut chickpea according to appetite
4 sheet of kol cut to pieces.
1 tomato cut to pieces.
12 powder broth sdt feel chicken.
Attenuating :
6 shallot item.
3 garlic fang.
3 big red chilli.
5 turmeric cm, burn.
2 salt sdt and 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.
Taburan : onion fry.
Way of making :
1. Heating cooking oil, smooth flavour tumis [of] odorous hingg, including beef, greeting leaf, alpine galanga and watery coconut mink, ripe didihkan till soft flesh.
2. Including ripe potato till mature, enhancing carrot, chickpea, powder broth and kol feel chicken, ripe till matured vegetable and gravy dwindle. Including tomato slice lift.
3. Present warmness, taburi with onion fry.
To : 4 people.
12 chicken ducky, wash out, leak.
50 gram of kapri.
1 red chilli, flimsy iris manipulate.
500 coconut mink ml from 1 / 2 coconut item
250 coconut mink ml from 1 / 2 coconut item
4 orange leaf sheet, 2 greeting leaf sheet, and 2 bar of serai, contusing 1 sdm irrigate tamarind
8 sdm TASTE BANGO feel beloved.
Cooking oil sufficiently
10 red chilli.
10 shallot item.
6 garlic fang.
2 salt sdt.
1. Heating 2 oil tablespoon, red chilli tumis just, lift.
2. Heating a few/little oil, smooth flavour tumis till make fragrance. Including chicken liver, orange leaf, greeting leaf, serai, and tamarind water. Enhancing watery coconut mink, didihkan.
3. Enhancing coconut mink jell and KETCHUP of BANGO feel beloved, ripe till oily looked to be, including kapri, swirl to flatten, lift.
4. Present as complete pe [of] rice of langgi, taburi with red chilli slice fry.
To: 6 people.
Materials :
1 Tail chicken.
2 Litre water.
4 Cm ginger, contusing.
12 Fang shallot, smooth iris.
5 Item chicken's egg, braise.
100 gram of taoge, eduh with hot iar.
6 celery leaf sdm, iris.
2 cooking oil sdm.
3 ketchup sdm feel beloved.
Smooth flavour :
8 garlic fang.
1 dill sdt, sangrai.
1 coriander sdt, sangrai.
8 candlenut, sangrai.
2 turmeric cm, burn.
1 salt sdt and 1 / 2 cheerful sdt [of] powder.
ketchup sambal : 8 green cayenne, 3 garlic fang of tumis just and attenuate, mixe with 100 sweet ketchup ml.
Way of making :
1. Braise chicken, ginger input and of serai, ripe till soft chicken, lift. casting aside its broth gravy.
2. Heating cooking oil, bawangmerah tumis and smooth flavour till make fragrance. Input into broth. enhancing sweet ketchup then didihkan.
3. Chicken Suwir-suwir, casting aside.
4. Prepare bowl, arrange taoge, chicken of siwir, and egg braise. Pouring gravy in bowl, taburi with celery leaf slice.
5. Present soto with ketchup sambal.
To : 8 people.
Materials :
750 beef gram stumble over myopia.
2 water litre.
250 soybean gram.
3 ginger cm, contusing.
2 bar of serai, contusing.
2 sweet ketchup sdm.
1 flimsy iris radish.
2 broth sdm feel ox.
Smooth flavour :
10 shallot item.
8 garlic fang.
1 salt sdt and 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.
Complement : onion leaf slice, celery slice, onion fry and sambal braise.
Way of making :
1. Soak soy during 1 [hour/clock], leak. Heating oil, fry till mature. Lift and leak.
2. Braising flesh till lunatk. Take flesh and cut according to appetite.
3. Heating cooking oil, smooth flavour tumis till make fragrance, including into broth till, didihkan return. including radish slice and flesh, broth feel ox, and ketchup. Ripe just, lift.
4. Present warm soto, taburi with onion leaf slice, celery, onion fry, soy fry, and sambal braise.
To : 6 people.
Materials :
1 Singk beef.
2 Litre water.
100 Gram of soun, soak cool water, leak.
100 Gram of taoge short, wash out.
150 Gram soy, soak water till soften then fry.
3 Cm ginger, contusing.
2 bar of serai, contusing.
2 Cm alpine galanga, contusing.
3 sweet Sdm ketchup.
Attenuating :
7 shallot item, 5 garlic fang.
3 turmeric cm, burn.
5 walnut item, sangrai.
1 salt sdt, 1 / 2 powder merica sdt.
Leaf onion slice, celery slice, onion fry, and crisply.
Soto Sambal:
150 peanut gram, fry, then attenuate. Attenuating : 7 of cbai red rawit, 3 shallot item, 2 garlic fang, 1 salt sdt, 1 demerara sdm, and 1 sour water sdm. Heating 2 cooking oil sdm, enhancing water 250 ml till become sambal which jell, lift.
Way of making :
1. Braise halfdone flesh till, lift.
2. Heating 2 cooking oil sdm, smooth flavour tumis till make fragrance, input into broth of tamb.
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